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Jack's POV

"They're like.. seven minutes late, it's fine." I said to my colleague, Mark.

"I know, but I've been dreading this presentation, and I really want to get it over with." He anxiously tapped his foot.

As we were in the middle of conversing, the meeting room doors opened and two people walked in— a man and a woman.

The woman looked familiar, but the man didn't.

"Good morning!" Mark said in an enthusiastic tone while greeting them with handshakes, and I also greeted the two of them.

"I'm Ryan, nice to meet you." The man said as I shook his hand.

"Jack, nice to meet you too."

I went to greet the woman and she gave me a firm handshake.

"Sadie." She gave me a smile.

"I'm Jack. It's nice to meet you." I said and once they sat down, Mark and I proceeded to present our pitch.

Mark and I presented our marketing idea to our clients and I'm pretty sure it went pretty well because they both seemed to enjoy it.

They both came to us from a fitness corporation called Worldwide Fitness to receive marketing help from us and our employer.

I already go to the fitness centers they've placed around LA a lot, so I think they appreciated the fact that I'm already familiar with and support this business.

Before they left, the woman turned to me and handed me a business card.

"I really enjoyed the presentation. My partner and I will definitely be contacting you again." She smiled at me then turned around and left.

When the door shut, I turned to Mark and he had an open-mouthed smile on his face.

"She totally wants you, bro." He said.

"It's a business card," I held it up and handed it to him "and we literally have a business deal. She wanted to stay in touch with us, dumbass."

"I think you mean in touch with you." He took it from my hand and examined the card.

"It probably has both of their names on it. We made a good first impression and they want to come back and see us." I said while gathering my notes.

"I'm pretty sure she just wants to see you, G." He laughed.

"Why do you think this?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"She was eyeing you the whole time. She blushed every time you looked at her, man. Keep this up, and we're going to secure a lot more contracts."

"You're fucking crazy," I rolled my eyes "And even if that was the case, I'm married and uninterested anyways." I shrugged.

"Ok, just keep on being flirtatious to our clients and we'll have a lot of success." He said as he gathered up his stuff.

"I don't flirt." I scoffed.

"Well, your pretty boy dementor seems to help us find a whole lot of success." He patted my back, then walked out of the conference room.

Gabby's POV

I did my usual routine which consisted of me arriving home, grabbing the mail, and limping inside because my feet hurt from walking in heels all day.

I let out a loud, obnoxious sigh in exasperation since Jack wasn't home yet and kicked my shoes off.

I walked over to the island in the kitchen and set the mail on the table then went through it, yet again, finding a letter from the California State Prison.

"Again?" I whispered to myself "What the fuck is going on?" I turned it over, looking at it.

As I was sorting through the other mail we had, I heard Jack pull up in the driveway.

"Shit!" I said to myself then hurried towards the stairs to hide it.

It all seems really sneaky and like I'm trying to hide some big secret, but I really just don't want to stress him out or cause some type of call for concern.

I heard the door open as I shoved the letter under the mattress with the others and came back downstairs to greet Jack.

"Babe," I dragged out while coming down the stairs "You're home earlier than usual!" He looked up at me.

"Yeah, the meeting ran short." I walked up to him and he leaned down to give me a peck on the lips.

"How did the pitch go?" I asked.

"Really well, actually," he nodded his head with furrowed eyebrows "We definitely got our clients on board." He seemed to slightly stare off past me.

"But uhh.. what about the case and everything? Did you let her know you weren't gonna do it?" He asked.

"Well," I let out a nervous laugh "I didn't talk to her today, but she will be by tomorrow." I said as I played with his tie.

"And what are you gonna do?" He asked.

"I'll have to consult her about that." He let out a sigh in exasperation as he put his hands on my hips.

"You're killing me." He said.

"It will be fine," I reassured him "Just have a little faith in me."

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now