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2 weeks later

I was woken up to Jack's obnoxious alarm clock causing me to immediately let out a loud groan and nudge him with my foot to wake him up because the blaring noises didn't seem to disturb him per usual.

As he stirred awake, I felt him stretch and let out a groan before turning the alarm off.

"You need to find a new way to wake up or something." I groaned, obviously annoyed.

"I'm sorry, babe," he said with his raspy voice while scooting over to wrap his arms around me and kiss my shoulder "but while you're up, you should come on my run with me." He continued to leave light kisses down my shoulder and back.

"I'll pass." I said with no hesitation.

He let out a sigh then started to get up from the bed "Alright," he pulled the covers back over me "but you should come with me one day. It's always such a relaxing thing to do."

"I haven't ran since like.. high school." I slightly laughed

"That's ok, we can walk then." He said as he pulled out a t-shirt and shorts from his drawers.

"Sounds like I plan." I said as I yawned and closed my eyes to go back to sleep.

As a few minutes passed by, I found it hard to go back to sleep as I became kind of nauseas.

It must be because I had a light dinner the night before. I tend to get nauseas on an empty stomach for too long.

I sat up and winced in pain as I felt the discomfort of nausea get worse.

At this point, Jack was downstairs, probably getting ready to leave.

As I stood to my feet, my legs felt shakey and weak, and my head felt dizzy.

"Fuck," I mumbled to myself, breathlessly as I waddled over to the bathroom.

As I got to the toilet, I felt it coming so I immediately dropped to my knees and threw up like I'd never thrown up before.

As I was throwing up, my hair fell out of the bun, creating an even more difficult situation for me, so I sat there, trying to hold my hair up as I felt myself about to throw up.

While I was throwing up, I felt someone behind me, gathering up all of my hair and holding it back for me while rubbing my back.

"That's it, let it all out." I heard Jack say to me in a soft tone.

He held my hair until I finished, and even then, my stomach was still killing me.

I rested my head on the toilet seat as I closed my eyes and cried. My breathing was still staggered, as throwing up has always been such an overwhelming event for me.

"Alright, are we done?" He asked while wiping the sweat off of my forehead.

I nodded my head "yes," not even bothering to look up at him.

He picked my hairband from off of the bathroom floor and put my hair back into a low ponytail, then picked my body up, bringing me to my feet, and set me on the counter by the sink.

He grabbed a washcloth from the bathroom closet then wet it under the sink. He rung out all of the extra water before walking back over to me and lightly wiping my forehead, temples, then Mouth.

"Do you want me to make you something light like toast or—"

He was cut off by my stomach grumbling, causing me to let out a groan in pain. I initially shook my head in response and rested my forehead on his shoulder while holding my own stomach in pain.

He once again rubbed my back and just held me as I tried to cope with my stomach pains.

"Here," he said while reaching behind me and grabbing something "Wash your mouth out when you're ready," he used one hand to fill up a small paper cup and set it down on the counter.

I tried to block out everything he was saying by just focusing on my breathing, but I felt it coming again.

I suddenly pushed his body off of mine and got down from the counter to puke again.

Jack and I went through the whole routine again, and when I was done this time, my stomach actually felt better.

Jack continued to rub my back as I sat there with my elbow propped up on the toilet seat and my forehead resting in my palm.

"You sure you're done this time?" He slightly chuckled and I nodded my head.

He once again helped me up, then set me on the counter again, re-wetting the washcloth and wiping my mouth.

"Wash your mouth out with this," he grabbed the small cup of water again "and brush your teeth so I can start your shower, ok?" He kissed my forehead and help my face in his hands.

I nodded my head in response and he handed me the cup, then walked over to the shower, opening the sliding glass doors and turning on the water.

"And I know you like it steaming hot for some reason." He chuckled.

"And what about it?" I asked while hopping down from the counter and washing my mouth out.

"It makes it hard to Shower with you knowing I could potentially get third degree burns." I playfully rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste.

By the time I was done brushing my teeth, the shower was ready so I stripped down and got in while Jack cleaned up the rest of the bathroom.

Pls read :)

Ok, so I know it's been a while since I've updated and I'm not updating as well as I have before, but I've been applying for scholarships along with doing a lot of community work so I couldn't really find the time to do any of that.

BUT there was also a comment that was left on my message board that said "Possessive" was ok and this book is boring (which lowkey hurt lmaooo). Everyones entitled to their own opinions and I appreciate any kind of feedback but I just want to note that I kind of have this book planned out, and that's why certain characters are and aren't in this book yet. If you'd like to find out what happens, please be patient with me, and if not, I completely understand but I just really wanted to say that because I get how this book could be boring rn since ig nothing exciting has actually happened but I thought it was pretty good lmaooo. Anyways, thank you for getting this far and I hope that you're enjoying this (but if you aren't, it's ok, I understand :)

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