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"So, did you tell her?" Mark asked "Something's obviously been on your mind all day cause you haven't been talking and you've looked depressed as hell for the past couple of weeks."

"I fucking cheated on Gabby." I shrugged.

"I know. That was a couple of weeks ago, Jack."

"Ok, but it still happened and Sadie won't leave me the fuck alone." I said a little quieter.

"It was a quickie. That can't count."

I rolled my eyes at him and continued to pick at the salad sitting in front of me

"Gabby's pregnant, Mark. I'm going to have a family, and that's all I ever wanted. I can't fuck that up. Not now."

"Oh," he seemed shocked "well, first off, congratulations. And second, I just wouldn't say anything. At least not now." He picked at his salad as well.

"If I never met this bitch, everything would be so perfect right n—"

"Shut up, she's coming." He looked up then mumbled, cutting me off

"Hey guys." I heard a familiar voice say in an enthusiastic tone behind me.

I rolled my eyes to myself as Mark politely smiled.

"Hey Sadie, hows it going?" He asked.

"I'm good, but Ryan said he needed to talk to you in his office. I said you'd go see him as soon as I found you." She said then kind of just stared at him for a second, obviously waiting for him to act on it.

"Ok, well I'll talk to the two of you later." You could tell he was slightly annoyed as he got up and grabbed his stuff.

Once he began to walk off, Sadie sat in the seat he was previously sitting in and rested her chin in her hand as her elbow rested on the table.

"So, I see your home phone isn't currently working. What's up with that?" She asked.

"I have yet to pay the phone bill." I answered bluntly while setting my fork down and sitting back.

"And I'm guessing you didn't tell her?" She asked.

"Sadie, why are you so concerned with her knowing? Leave my family out of this. Whatever happened, was between the two of us and that's it."

"I feel like she deserves to know." She shrugged.

"You want to help out the woman you unrightfully cmplained about to my face? That's why you're doing this?" I looked up at her, annoyed.

"Ever since that, you've been so cold to me. We used to be on good terms." She seemed sad.

"Yeah, we were for about a week, then you went and talked shit about my wife, started acting coldly towards me once I confronted you about everything, and now you're telling me I cheated on her too. You can see why I would try to avoid you right?" I asked and she stayed silent "Look, I love my wife and I'm still in shock and disbelief about what actually happened, and I can't even express how big of a mistake it was."

"But Jack, it still happened. It's not like you can take it back." I could tell she was getting fruatrated.

"Ok, let's say it did actually happen; why would I continue to maintain a normal relationship with you? That's disrespectful to my wife."

"Don't act all high and mighty like you weren't one of the parties who actually did the wrongful act." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"I don't know all of the details because I do not remember that night, but I know for a fact that that doesn't sound like something I'd do and risk losing my marriage. I love my wife too much to sleep with another woman, especially one I'm not even interested in."

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now