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1 Month Later

I rocked back and forth in the rocking chair which is in the nursery Jack and I put together over time.

The walls were a light blue-ish grey. They came that way but we always planned on repainting them no matter the gender. We just haven't really gotten around to any of that since we don't really know what our next steps are.

The crib that sat on the other end of the room was white with a small mobile hanging above it. It had little ocean animals hanging from it.

I looked around at the room that has been left alone since we found out about the gender. At this point, Why put money into a room we may not even have in a month?

Jack and I have been looking into homes in other parts of the country. I really like Atlanta or Houston, or maybe even somewhere more secluded like Montana or Maine. As much as I don't necessarily want to live in the middle of nowhere, I feel like somewhere more off the grid is ideal.

Jack likes the idea of moving to Colorado or Arizona. All nice places to move, but they just aren't far enough.

Obviously the baby will come before we would even be able to move, but Jack and I planned on staying somewhere else to have the baby, preferably with our parents staying with us too.

I've been trying to get in touch with Hayes for the past month, but his number is no longer in use and there is literally no other way to reach him.

He's obviously no longer living at the house that I've been to, and he makes sure to keep his contact with me untraceable.

I rocked back and forth as I caressed my belly, trying my best to relax and not think about the situation.

"Gabby!"Jack called from our room "Have you seen my keys?"

I sniffled a bit then wiped my eyes and cleared my throat before answering.

"Are they in the kitchen?" I couldn't hide my nasally voice and I immediately heard Jack's footsteps come down the hallway towards me.

"Gabby?" He asked while peeking into the doorway. He looked at my face and saw that I had been crying, and his expression completely changed.

"What's wrong?" He asked while walking in the room. He had on a pair of slacks with a button-down shirt.

"I'm just.." I could feel myself about to break down again "I can't believe its happening again." I sobbed. I had been crying all day and finally thought that I had found the strength to stop.

"I know." His tone Was sympathetic as he picked me up so I was standing with him and wrapped his arms around me.

"And I love this house, I don't want to move," I continued to sob "And the market is so bad right now, what the fuck are we supposed to do?" My chest felt like it was caving in as I cried.

"We're not moving. We will be ok. I promise."

"But Jack I don't know what else to do." I cried.

"And that's ok. You don't have to. We will figure it out together, but you have been too stressed out for the past month. I need you to just breathe, ok?" He rubbed my back "I know our situation is complicated, but we will get through this together."

"Jack, I don't think we're going to be ok." I cried.

"Don't say that, Gabby." He said bluntly.

"He's fucking crazy, he's not going to stop."

"Gabby, I just need you to relax right now, ok?" He said while holding my face in his hands "How about you go and take a nice, warm bath?" He suggested.

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now