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Gabby's POV

I woke up to the sun rising along with Jack's loud snoring. I guess we both fell asleep pretty early after laying down. This is how I know for a fact we're getting old.

I let out a sigh and sat up without disturbing Jack, and lazily dragged myself out of bed.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to make something to eat.

I pulled out the Frosted Flakes and milk, then poured myself a bowl of cereal.

Soon after, Jack came downstairs in nothing but a pair of basketball shorts, still clearly tired.

"Goodmorning." I said to him.

"Goodmorning." He smiled back.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked.

"Pretty well. How about you?" He responded while opening up the fridge.

"Well, I got to sleep with you so, pretty good." I joked.

"Yeah, I always enjoy sleeping with you too." He chuckled.

"So, Jack, I think it's finally time that we sit down and talk about it." I changed my tone to be more serious.

"About what?" He was quick to ask.

"About what we're going to do when Hayes gets out."

"Oh." He turned back to the fridge and continued to look for something to eat.

"And I don't want to argue with you. This is just really serious." I added.

He grabbed an apple from the fridge and walked over to the sink to wash it off.

"So, I'm in the process of gettting two restraining orders filed on Hayes, I just need you to also be in court for yours—"

"See, I told you it was a good idea." Jack cut me off while taking a bite out of his apple.

"That's not all," I slightly laughed "I promise you, a legal document will not do shit for us."

"Then let's just get a gun." He took another huge bite out of his apple.

"I'm not getting a fucking gun, Jack. Let it go." I said a little annoyed since I'd reiterated this on multiple occasions.

"Then don't get one. I'll get one." He explained, knowing exactly what I meant.

"I told you I don't want one in this house," I said sternly.

I've had some terrible memories regarding gun violence and I don't need to relive any of it by bringing up past trauma.

"I think it's a good idea if we stay at one of our parents' houses for a while though. I'm between cases right now, but I'm not sure how well your job fits in with this plan." I played with the few remaining corn flakes in my bowl of what is now just milk.

"I thought you've been on a case ever since the last one you dropped?" He asked.

I realized that he was talking about the case I was lying about and immediately got kind of nervous "That... that was a long story so I'm in between cases right now. But how do you think it will fit in with your schedule?" I asked.

"I.. I can see if I can work something out." He nodded his head while setting his apple down.

"Ok, good. I think it might also just be time to... Say goodbye to LA." I said a little softer.

"Gabby, we're not moving." He shook his head.

"Hear me out at least," I nearly begged "We've lived here for so, so long. Mortgage is also so expensive. Plus, we don't even go to school here anymore."

No Escape | Book 2 of PossessiveWhere stories live. Discover now