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"Jeongin keeps texting me asking if he can braid my hair." Chan told.

He sat across from me at the table, taking a sip of his water. He had invited me to go to lunch with him and Changbin since I just sit at home and clean or paint. Changbin sat beside me, on his phone.

"You should let him," I told my brother.

"With what hair?"

Chan grabbed a few strands on his hair at the top of his head, holding them straight up. Chan's hair isn't as long as Hyunjin's, but he has long enough hair that could be braided. It may look a bit dry, but that's his fault for going back to blond then back to black several times.

"If I can braid Changbin's hair, then your hair can be braided."

"I'll tell him to ask Hannah instead," Chan mumbled as he started typing on his phone.

The three of us ate our food, not really talking to each other. The only conversation that was happening was in the groupchat since everyone decided to text. We were just too busy enjoying the delicious food to talk.

Chan had finished his food before Changbin and I, Changbin being the next to finish. I noticed that they're plates were completely clean, seeing that I still had half my food on mine. I started to stuff my face at a faster pace than before, shoving more into my mouth so I could hurry and finish.

"How's the house?" Chan asked as I was in mid-bite.

"She's almost finished with decorating the bedroom," Changbin answered for me. "Other than that, so far everything's going well. No problems with anything. No problems with the neighbors, although we never talk to them but still."

Chan nodded his head as Changbin spoke. "Would you guys ever host the get together at the house? Not saying that you have to but just curious. I know Jisung and Yuna don't mind that we always use their house but it would be nice to give them a break."

I covered my mouth as I tried to hurry and swallow the food in my mouth. "No you're right. I just want to finish with the room before we have everyone come over. You know how the boys are, they're going to want to look at every inch of the house."

The boy chuckled and nodded their heads in agreement to my statement.

"You're going to the store after this, right?" Changbin asked me.

"Yeah. What do you need?"

He gave me a child-like smile, grabbing a hold of my hand and rubbing his thumb across my knuckles. "Can you get more snacks?"

"That's it?" I shook my head and laughed at his actions. "Yes, I'll get more snacks. Is there anything else that we actually need for the house?"


"How're the eggs coming along?" Chan teased.

Changbin shot him a slight glare. "They taste amazing, even with tiny bits of shell in them."

"You still can't crack an egg?" My brother was losing it. He covered his mouth as he threw his head back, laughing really hard at Changbin's continuing struggle of cracking eggs. "How the hell are your kids suppose to eat eggs? Crunchy?"

"I'll learn eventually! Practice makes perfect."

"Honey," I placed a hand on his shoulder. "You've been practicing since high school."

Changbin was about to respond to my comment but Chan interrupted him before he could. "We gotta get going."

I tapped on my phone screen to see the time. The boys had a little over ten minutes to get back to work. We gathered out trash and dishes, placing everything nicely in the middle of the table to make it easier for the employees when they clean off the table.

I followed the two out of the building. I gave my brother a quick hug and my boyfriend a kiss before we parted way to our separate cars. I hurried and got into my car, quickly buckling up and turning it on so I could hurry to the store and get what I needed to get so I could get home quicker and take a nap.

On my drive home from the store, I was on the phone with Hannah.

"I'm not sure what to do anymore," she said as she finished explaining to me some concerns she had with her group of friends.

"Well, Banana," I sighed as I thought about what to say. "If that's how they're going to treat you, leave them. Tell them to fuck off. If none of them are going to stand up for you while that bitch, whats her name? Who cares, it's not important. Anyway, if they aren't going to stand up for you, it's time for a new set of friends or just be on your own. I know they have been your friends for years, but take it from me, you don't need that."

As I was pulling up to the house, I noticed a random white car sitting in front of the house. I pulled into the driveway and put the car in park. I tried looking to see who was sitting in the car through the mirrors, but the car's windows were tinted.

"Who the fu-" I whispered to myself. "Hey Hannah, can I call you back?"

"Yeah, is everything okay?"

I turned the car off and opened the door. "Someone's here and I have no idea who it is. I'll call you back or text you, okay?" Before she could respond, I ended the call.

As I started to get out of my car, I could her the other car's engine shut off. I slowly walked towards the door so I could unlock it and leave it open to make it easier for me to bring in the groceries. The moment I turned around to get the groceries, my heart sank.

"What the fuck are you doing here? How the hell do you know where we live?"

Elle was walking up to me with her arms crossed. Her eyes were puffy and red as if she was crying for hours, maybe even days. She looked like she's been having a rough time.

"Can I please talk to you?" Her voice was so soft and shaky.

I stood there staring at her for a couple of seconds. I motioned for her to go inside as I made it back to my car to grab all the grocery bag from the back of my car. I usually hate making multiple trips from the car with groceries, but especially now with someone I dislike being inside my house. I adjusted the bags in my arms as I shut my car door. I hurried inside and rushed to the kitchen counters, setting the bags down. I started to take the groceries out from the bags, pacing back and forth in the kitchen as I put everything up. I tried to put everything away as quickly as I could so I could see what the hell Elle wants.

The moment I finished putting away the last grocery I had, I let out a quiet sigh as I slowly walked into the living room. Elle was sitting on the couch with her hands between her knees. She was staring at the ground, completely zoned out.

"Why are you here?" I asked as I stood by the couch.

Elle slowly snapped back into reality, moving her gaze from the ground to me. Her eyes started to water as she looked at me. "I'm begging for your help. Please just hear me out."

I felt a bit awkward just standing here as I watched her fight back her tears. I wasn't about to sit on the couch next to her. I sat on the arm of the couch, keeping my focus on her as I waited for her to talk.

"I don't know what to do. I have no place to go. I cannot stand to be around my mother anymore."

I quickly cut her off before she could speak anymore. "There is no way in hell I'm letting you stay here with my and Changbin. You really think I'm that nice?"

"Chaise please, you don't understand-"

"I don't think you understand." I snapped. "Look I'm sorry that life is rough for you right now but, why would I let someone who put me through shit stay in my house? I already have a lot going on myself, I don't need to add you onto my problem."

Elle threw herself onto the floor, grabbing my hands as if she was about to beg for me to let her stay. "Chaise please! I've been wanting to escape for so long. I finally snapped and left. Just let me stay for one night so I can call people and figure this out. I'll be gone tomorrow and you'll never have to see me again."

I pulled my hands out from her grip, wiping them against my shirt like I was wiping her cooties off of me. "Look," I sighed. "I really don't want you to stay here, but I have a feeling you're not going to shut the fuck up so you can chill here until Changbin comes home. After that, you're out."

stay || seo changbin [✓]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang