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I wish I could say not a lot has changed in the past few years, but so much has changed. Not only did I survive high school, but I decided not to go to Uni. Well, I dropped out of Uni. I didn't last a full three weeks there. It just wasn't for me.

Jeongin is on his senior year of high school. He's always whining to me about how lonely is it now. He always brings up the year we all were in school together. He still comes over several times a week and we hang out in my room.

Hyunin, Seungmin, and Felix graduated with me. They're currently attending Uni. Right now Felix is working on his basics. He's not sure what he wants to do just yet, but he's loving his job at the Game Shop. Hyunjin is majoring in dance. He'll invite us to watch small showcases he has going on and I always attended. I love watching him let himself go on stage. Seungmin was going back and forth between business and photography for a while. As far as I know, he chose the photography route and said he'll work on his business degree afterwards.

Minho is working at a coffee shop. For someone who can be snappy and doesn't tolerate people that much, he's loving it. He enjoys the smell and loves the free coffee he gets. He's always trying to make up drinks and have me taste test and majority of the time, they're really good.

As for 3Racha, well, they never really officially debuted. After I broke things off with Changbin when they left back for the last month of tour, things started to get ugly with him. He started going through these weird phases where he wouldn't show up for practice, or would disappear for days at a time. Chan and Jisung got tired of it and they confronted him about it, but it turned into a huge fight between the three of them, which resulted to Changbin walking out and leaving the group.

Chan and Jisung still produce music together, they don't perform anymore. There so many amazing songs that should be heard, but they feel like they made a fool out of themselves for leaving for half a year and having to leave the tour before it was officially over due to Changbin leaving. I never see or hear from Changbin really. Chan and Jisung still hang out with him ever now and then, even after the whole mess. They forgave him for walking out on them and said that their friendship meant more to them than losing him and debuting without him.

Jisung and Yuna are still together. Yuna also works at the coffee shop with Minho. Jisung has even talked to me about proposing to her a few times. I told him he should do it when he feels like the time is right, but we all know how he is. I get random text messages from him asking how and when he should. I always tell him the same damn thing, but he never listens to me.

All of us haven't really hung out in a while. I believe the last time we had everyone together was mine, Hyunjin, Felix, and Seungmin's high school graduation a few months ago. But still then, we all didn't really hang out. Everyone just showed up for the ceremony and then we left right after. Changbin didn't go back to school either when he came back. He stayed home and got his GED. Jisung came back to school, but he was behind and didn't get to graduate with us, so he took summer classes to catch him up and graduate before the school year started again.

We've just all been so busy, it's hard to get everyone together. Especially with three of them at Uni and one still in high school, they're schedules make it hard to see them sometimes. Poor Chan is stuck in an office for what seems like 24/7, but he still manages to juggle work and music producing.

Although Uni didn't work out for me, I was going for art. But now I just paint on canvases and sell them. I'll even take custom painting orders. Some people have even paid me to paint murals for them. I've thought about taking up tattooing on the side, but I'm scared to mess up someone's body permanently. Maybe one day, but for now I'm okay with painting on canvases and walls.

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