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I sat in the office room, cleaning out my desk. I've thrown away so many pieces of paper that had shitty drawings or random notes written on them. I hate when my desk isn't organized, but since we moved in, I have not been the best at keeping it clean. The office has my papers, pens, pencils, paint brushes, and all other materials scattered everywhere while I tried to organize the drawers. 

As I was going through all the papers and sorting them out, I heard my phone ringing somewhere in the room. I stopped sorting my papers and scanned the room with my eyes to find my phone. I quickly got up from my chair and hurried around the room, moving everything around. It wasn't under any of the piles of paper on the desk or the floor. It wasn't under the trash bag. I started to get frustrated not being able to find it, especially since I couldn't find it in time since the ringing stopped. 

I turned back to my desk to start organizing again, but my phone started ringing again. I stood still for a few seconds to listen, hearing it coming from the other side of the room. I hurried over to Changbin's desk, moving a few papers around that I had placed there, finally finding it. I quickly picked it up and answered the call.


"Hey, are you home?" Yuna asked. She sounded a bit panicked.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" The way her voice sounded had me worried.

"Can you bring me a pad? I didn't check my calendar and didn't realize I'd start today. And I'm at work so I didn't bring anything with me."

I let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Of course. I'll be over ASAP."

"Thank you so much. Can I also borrow a pair of pants?"

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. "Yes, Tuna."

"Ugh, will you ever give me a new nickname?"

"Mmmm, nope!" I laughed. "Give me about five minutes to get some of my mess picked up in the office room and then I'll be there."

I hung up the phone and quickly grabbed the piles of paper on Changbin's desk and the floor, setting them on mine. I grabbed my pens, pencils, brushes and markers and shoved them in a drawer. I figured I'll just work on organizing the desk later tonight since I've already done a lot of cleaning in the room and organizing my desk won't take too long.

I made my way into the bathroom, turning the light on and crouching down to open the cabinet under the sink. I reached for all my lady products, grabbing a few pads and a few single wipes. I stood up to turn off the light but jumped at my reflection in the mirror. I had completely forgotten that I cut my hair this morning after Changbin left for work. My hair that was once down passed my ass, now sat above my shoulders, just an inch under my chin. I have no idea how I was able to sit in the bathroom for so long to get it to look pretty even. 

I pushed my glasses up on my nose and turned the bathroom light off. I made my way to the bedroom to grab a clean pair of jeans for Yuna from the closet. While I was in there, I slid on my pair of white crocs with the fuzz inside. I even dug around to find my small backpack that I used to use as a purse. I placed my backpack on the bed and rolled up the pair of jeans, putting them and the few pads and wipes in the bag. I walked to the dresser and dug around for the brand new pack of underwear I had bought a few days ago for these kinds of emergencies. I opened the new pack and grabbed one pair, tossing it into the bag as well. I swung the bag over my left shoulder and made my way to the door. As I passed by the body mirror that leaned against the wall, I stopped to stare at my appearance.

"This is why people think I'm lazy," I mumbled to myself.

I stood in the mirror and debated on changing. I currently had on a tight grey tank top that kept rolling up a bit no matter how many times I pulled it down to, and a pair of Changbin's black sweats that I had tied as tight as I could but still needed to roll the waist band a few times to keep them from falling down.

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