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Yuna pulled into a parking lot and began driving up and down the many aisle between the cars to find an open spot. The ride there, I was on my phone scrolling through Twitter and Instagram. Once I realized we were in a parking lot, I locked my phone so I could help my friend look for an empty pace. Once I saw the building, my breath got stuck in my throat.

I thought Yuna was going to take me to a regular doctor's office, like a family doctor. But instead she drove me to the emergency room. The last time I was here, I was bleeding and losing a part of me. I felt my body tense up as Yuna pulled into a spot. There's no way I can escape now.

"Ready?" Yuna unbuckled her seatbelt and looked over at me with a smile. "Chaise? Are you sure you're okay? You don't look too good."

I snapped myself out of the trance I was in. The concerned look on Yuna's face made me feel bad. I didn't mean to worry her.

"I'm good, sorry," I apologized. "Let's go!"

I quickly swung the car door open, making sure I didn't hit the car next to me as I got out. I shut the door and waited for Yuna to lock her car before walking beside her down the lot and towards the entrance. The closer we got to the doors, the more my legs started to feel like jell-o.

As soon as we walked in, Yuna went straight to the front desk and began to talk to the receptionist. "Hi, my friend over here is feeling pretty warm. We just want to make sure she's not coming down with anything."

I stood behind Yuna as looked around the waiting room. I looked down a hallway and saw two doctors walking down side by side. They were looking at a clipboard and talking to each other about the patient. The closer they got, I started to recognize one of them. It was the same doctor who helped me when I came in months ago.

I slowly reached my hand out to grab onto Yuna's arm. It took me a few moments to look away from the doctors and finally look at the receptionist who has been talking to Yuna. Her gaze went past my friend and straight to me and as soon as we made eye contact, concern was written all over her face.


The second the receptionist stood up and Yuna turned to look at me, everything went black.

I couldn't tell you how much time had passed. All I can say is when I opened my eyes, I was in a room on a bed, laying on my side, with a damp cloth on my forehead. Yuna was sitting in a chair scrolling through her phone. I rolled over to lay on my back which caused Yuna to stand up.

"Hey," she whispered. "How do you feel?"

I slowly sat up on the examining bed, reaching for my friend's help. "Honestly, I feel worse." Once I was fully sat up straight, I closed my eyes tight for a bit before open them and looking around the room. "How long was I out?"

Yuna looked at the time on her phone and gave me a slight shrug. "Not even a full ten minutes honestly. The moment you collapsed, these two doctors close to us hurried over and helped pick you up and carry you to this room."

The door creaked open and in came the doctor, the same one who helped me. She gave me a soft smile as she greeted us and closed the door.

"Hello Chaise," she said softly. "Glad to see you awake." She clicked her pen and looked at her clipboard. "So, aside from fainting a few minutes ago, what seems to be the problem?"

"Yuna says I feel warm," I mentioned to the doctor. "But I'm constantly tired and my body aches all over. And now that I think about it, my breathing isn't all that great. While we were at the front desk, I just kept feeling more lightheaded as each second passed."

The doctor nodded her head as she wrote down what I was telling her. When she was done, she set the clipboard down and grabbed a thermometer. She wrapped it up before approaching me and sticking it in my ear, pressing the button to take my temperate. Once it beeped, she removed the piece of equipment from my ear and looked at the numbers. I heard her hum to herself as she went back to the clipboard to write things down.

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