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The drive to the store was quiet. Changbin kept both hands on the wheel, I stared out the passenger window, the music was loud enough to hear the song but quiet enough to hear the cars driving by. As he pulled into a parking spot, he put the car in park and stayed sitting in the car.

I looked over at him with my hand holding onto the handle. I was waiting for him to unlock the car door and get out, but he just kept staring out the windshield. I knew this meant he had something to say, so I let my hand slip off the handle and clasped my hands together, keeping them in my lap.

"Did you ever miss me?" He finally spoke up. I looked over at him, but he kept his eyes glued to the windshield.

I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out as I watched the boy next to me wipe his face as a single tear slipped from his eye. "Changbin, are you crying?"

I immediately wanted to slap myself in the face. Of course he's fucking crying, why the fuck would I ask such a stupid question? I was just in shock to see him get emotional all of the sudden when he was rarely emotional during our relationship.

"I'm not crying. I was holding in a cough fo so long." He lied as he let out a few fake coughs. "But did you?" He finally looked over at me, making eye contact.

"Of course I did." I admitted.

"Do you still?"

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"When you said you still care about me, did you mean it? Or were you just saying that to get me to leave you alone?"

"I meant it."

"Do you think we would ever get back together? Do you see us together again?"

I broke the eye contact and looked down at my lap, gently biting my bottom lip as I thought about this. I took a deep breath in and looked back at him, making eye contact once again. "I don't know."

"It's a yes or no answer." He stated. "Do you see us getting back together?"

"I'm with Minho." I responded. Before he could ask again, I quickly unlocked his car and opened the door, hurrying to get out and shutting the car door. I walked at a decently fast pace inside the store, leaving him behind.

I made my way straight to the alcoholic beverages and began to look at all the different brands, types, and flavors. I picked up two 6-packs of Smirnoff, setting them on the ground beside me. I began to grab other cases of variety of drinks, setting them next to the Smirnoffs.

"It's just a simple kickback." I heard Changbin's voice come down the aisle. I turned to his direction and saw him pushing a basket with a few snacks already inside.

"Maybe some of us want to forget some things." I mumbled as I began to place the drinks inside the basket. "Let's go. We've been gone for too long. Minho will text asking if I'm okay any minute now."

I folded my arms across my chest and began to walk towards the checkout lines. I stood in the one that had less people, waiting for Changbin to catch up. As he pulled up with the cart, I started placing everything in the basket onto the belt. As the person in front of me walked away, I faintly smiled at the checkout lady. As she placed the snacks in a bag and the cases on top, I would grab them and place them back in the basket.

She told me the total and I reached in my pocket to get my phone that held my card in it. Before I could stick the chip into the card reader, Changbin was pushing the numbers for his pin code.

"I could've paid for it." I spoke softly.

The lady handed him the receipt and he thanked her before grabbing onto the cart and pushing it towards the exit. I followed behind him. I helped him unload drinks and snacks from the basket into the car. As I got in, he went back to return the basket.

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