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I was surprised to get a good night's sleep last night with only waking up about two or three times from feeling like I was going to throw up. If I could, I would stay in bed for the rest of the day and sleep. But I have a doctors appointment in about an hour, then wedding dress shopping with Yuna around three.

I laid in bed and stared at my ceiling, not wanting to get up from my cozy bed. There was a faint knock on my door before it was opened slowly. Changbin popped his head in with a huge smile on his face.

"Good morning~" he sang just above a whisper. "How's your sleep?" He quietly made his way into my room, sitting down on my bed next to me. He moved some strands of hair out of my face, lightly running his fingers across the top of my head.

"You know, you've been extremely nice to me lately." I told him.

"What do you expect me to do? Be a dick?" I shrugged my shoulders as a response. "Chaise," he gave me a look. "You really think I'm going to be a dick to you?"


"Yeah, yeah. I know. My actions haven't been the best." He cut me off. "But you know I'm still in love with you, and I regret hurting you so many times. Now that you're carrying my child, I want to do whatever it takes to prove to you that I'm staying here by your side and will always be by your side. You said so yourself, we're adults now and we need to start acting like it."

I just stared at him while he spoke, his hand still running through the top of my hair. It was very comforting, not gonna lie. It could put me back to sleep.

"Get up, we have to go to the doctor's appointment." He got up from my bed and made his way to the door and leaving my room.

I got up from my bed and grabbed a random shirt and pair of shorts that were in the pile of clean clothes on my desk chair. I undressed from the clothes I slept in and started to get dress. As I was, I looked down at my stomach and noticed a very very small bump. Small enough that no one could tell if they didn't know. Obviously I didn't know for who knows how long. I threw on my clean clothes and brushed the tangles out of my hair, then walked out of my room and towards the bathroom.

I quickly did my morning routine of washing up and doing a quick makeup look. Brushing out my hair was a task this morning for some reason. I had a few big knots tangled up in there. Once I was no longer looking dead, I made my way out of the bathroom and towards the living toom.

Changbin was sitting in the on the couch on his phone. Lucas was sitting there as well, watching TV. Changbin looked up to see me standing by the door, he nodded for me to go ahead and get in the car, looking back down at his phone. I did so.

I got into my car, starting the ignition and waiting for Changbin to come out. It took him a couple of minutes before he walked out of the house, making his way to the drivers side and opening the door.

"I'll drive," he said, holding the door open and waiting for me to get out.

"It's my car?"

"I'll drive," he said again. "You can lay the seat back if you start feeling sick again."

I didn't say anything after that. I just got out of my car, making my way to the passenger seat and buckling up. I leaned my seat back slighting so I wasn't sitting up straight. Changbin pulled away from the house and drove us to the doctors office. The drive was quiet, we listened to my music that was playing from my bluetooth.

As soon as we arrived, Changbin found the closest parking spot he could. The two of us got out of the car and made our way into the building. We had to walk down a long hallway to get to the doctor's office. As we walked down, I could feel my heart starting to race as I was getting more and more nervous. Out of habit, I grabbed Changbin's hand and slightly squeezed it.

He held onto my hand tight, leading the way down the hallway. He was looking at the doors that we passed to look at the names on the doors, stopping at one of them and opening it, holding the door open for me to walk in.

The waiting room wasn't too small, and luckily there was only one other couple here. Changbin walked up to the front desk, pulling me along with him.

"Hi," the receptionist greeted us with a big smile. "Do you have an appointment?"

"Yes," Changbin answered her.

"Just sign in on this sheet and I'll get the papers for you to fill out."

Changbin grabbed the pen and started writing down my name on the sign-in sheet. The receptionist handed me a clipboard with a few sheets of paper of information I needed to fill out. She told us that we could take a seat while I filled out the paperwork and wait to be called. We took a seat and I looked at the papers on the clipboard, reading some of the things I needed to fill out.

"Times like this I wish my mom was here." I mumbled as I kept flipping through the papers. "I have no idea if she ever puts my full name or not."

"What do you mean?"

"Do I just put Bang Chaise? Or do I put my full name? Maybe I'll just leave Bang Chaise. I don't think they ever put my full name on anything." I pouted as I filled out a bit of the information.

"Full name? Huh?" Changbin was so confused as to what I was talking about.

I chuckled at his confusion. Everyone is always confused. I was confused for the longest time. "My full name is Bang Chaise-Alyyzabeth. But anyone rarely used the second part of my first name."

"Bang Cha- Why the hell do you have the long and complicated name?"

"My parents were going back and forth between the two for so long. My mom wanted Alyzabeth with one 'Y', and my dad wanted Chaise." I started to explain to him. "They decided to just put them together and make my first name long as hell. But my dad accidently wrote two 'Y's in Alyyzabeth on my birth certificate because he was so nervous so I have two first names and an extra letter. I guess all that chaos helped them decide to pick normal and easy names for Hannah and Lucas."

Changbin just stared at me with wide eyes while he tried to process it. "We're not going to torture our kids like that." He stated.

"Kids." I pointed out. "More than one?" I glanced over at him and his face was turning red.

I finished filling out the paperwork and got up to hand it back to the receptionist. She told me that when they're ready for us, they'll call us to the back. I sat back down and started fidgeting with my fingers, picking at the skin around some of my nails.

"Did you ever want kids?" Changbin asked. I was a bit surprised to hear this question.

"Definitely. I love kids." I responded. "I imagined myself having kids around twenty-five, maybe twenty-six, married and with a job. Never thought I'd be twenty, jobless, and single when I'd have my first kid."

"Well you know you don't have to be single," he mentioned. "You're not completely jobless. You do commission work and every piece is amazing."

I let out a small chuckle. "You already know my thoughts on a relationship right now."

"And I respect your decision. But you know when you are ready, there is someone who would love to call you his again." His voice would get softer and quieter the more he talked.

"Before I ever date again, I need to make sure I'm perfectly okay mentally and emotionally. And tell that someone taking responsibility of being a dad isn't going to fix everything."

We sat there quietly on our phones while we waited to be called. It seemed like hours that we sat in the waiting room. I even started to doze off while watching videos on my phone.

"Bang Chaise."

We looked up to see a nurse standing in the doorway with a clipboard in her hand. Finally. As we got up from the chairs, I grabbed onto Changbin's hand once again and followed him to the door.

"Hi, follow me and I'll take you to the room."

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