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I sat in the bathroom at work, needing some time for myself. Since it's a Friday evening, there was a small rush. Minho had me standing at the register to listen to him and Yuna take orders and watch them use the register. The two of them took turns using the register and making drinks, trying to get the rush over with as fast as they could.

Everything was so fast pace, it was making me feel dizzy watching the two run back and forth which is why I'm locked in the bathroom and sitting on the floor against the door. I needed to sit somewhere where I could cry and not have anyone see me. I just wanted to be home. Again, Changbin tried to get me to stay home. He even tried to tell me to not go to the gig tonight. Of course I refused to listen.

I stood up from the ground, turning on the water from the sink and splashing some cool water onto my face. My nose and eyes were a slight pink color, obvious signs of crying. I groaned as I knew the moment Yuna and Minho see me face, they are going to ask me a million times if I'm alright. I shrugged it off and made my way out of the bathroom.

Minho and Yuna were cleaning behind the counter, the shop becoming empty as some customers were leaving since we close in about ten minutes. I made my way back behind the counter and straight to the sink to wash dished.

"So," Minho began. "How'd you feel about the rush?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I started washing one of the milk steamers. "It seems a lot more chaotic when I'm standing there and watching you two run back and forth. I feel like once I get the hang of everything, it'll be easy peasy."

"What time does the gig start?" Minho asked.

"The event itself starts at 10pm," Yuna responded. "But I want to say Jisung said they go on around 11ish? We won't miss them."

We continued cleaning the shop. Like Minho said yesterday, I did the dishes and put them away. Yuna cleaned the tables as well as did the sweeping and mopping. Minho continued cleaning behind the counter, restocking the milks, powders, and everything else that needed to be restocked. He also did the closing till.

Once we were all done and officially closed, we walked towards the back door and made our way out. We got into our own cars, Yuna being the first one to pull away and leave. I sat there in my car, turning the air conditioner up and having the vents pointed towards me. I quickly looked at my notifications, seeing multiple texts from the group chat asking who's there yet and where are they inside. There was even one from Changbin of him telling me it's okay to go home and sleep. 

I tossed my phone on the passenger seat and started to make my way towards the venue for the event. Once I pulled up, I tried to find the closest parking spot I could, but unfortunately there really was no close parking. I parked in the first parking spot I saw, trying to regain as much energy as I could to get out and walk towards the entrance. As I got closer, I could see three girls standing outside talking and laughing. The closer I got and saw who it was, I wanted to turn around and run away.

"Chaise," Elle's annoying voice called out. "Didn't think you would be here?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

She looked me up at down, scrunching her nose slightly. "Are you okay? You look rough."

I rolled my eyes and ignored her comment. I already didn't have the energy to stand and wash dishes at work, let alone stand here and have a conversation with the girl who caused a lot of pain. I crossed arms over my chest and looked at the ground as I walked by her and her friends, just a few steps from the walking through the entrance. I felt a hand on my shoulder that jerked me around.

"No seriously," Elle's eyes were scanning every inch of my face. "Are you okay?"

"She's fine." 

I snapped my head around to see Changbin walking out of the building. Elle let her hand slide off my shoulder.

"Hi Binnie," she greeted him. "I can't wait to see you preform."

I wanted to throw up. 

"Thanks." His reply was cold towards her. He looked at me, his eyes getting soft. "I see you made it."

My gaze was no longer focusing on Changbin as I could see my brother and best friend walking towards us.

"What's going on?" Chan asked as he got closer.

"Oh-" Jisung saw Elle and his eyes grew big and cheeks puffed out. "Well this is awkward."

"Chaise," Chan's overprotective voice was coming out. "Inside."

"I'm not going to hurt her," Elle argued. "I was just asking if she was okay. Look at her! She looks like she's going to pass out any minute."

Everyone's eyes were on me now, making me feel small. Yes, I'm aware of my appearance. I'm as tired as I look. I want nothing more than to rest in my bed for a few days until I'm fully recovered, but I can't.

"She's kind of right," Jisung agreed. "Are your nightmares coming back? You haven't had those since middle school."

"No, she's fine." Changbin answered.

"No, I haven't heard her screaming and crying at night," Chan denied. "Is something stressing you out that's keeping you up? You know you can come to me for help anytime."

"Really guys, she's fine." Changbin kept trying to convince everyone that nothing was wrong.

"Maybe you should go home," Elle added her two sense in.

I was starting to get frustrated with everyone being so concerned. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they care. But having to hear everyone ask me every ten to twenty minutes if I'm okay gets irritating. They ask me the same question in different ways and each time they're going to get the same two worded answer. I honestly can't handle it anymore. I'm tired of it.

"Can everyone just please leave me alone," I raised my voice over them. "I'm sick and tired of everyone checking up on me. I tell everyone the same damn answer every time but it never seems to be enough. If everyone must know, no. No I am not fine. I'm actually going through so much right now, it's taking a lot out of me which is why I look like complete shit. I would like to enjoy my days like normal without everyone so worried and hounding me with a million fucking questions but I can't."

Everyone just stood there silently. They no longer looked concerned but instead looked shocked. Probably surprised that I finally snapped.

"I told you she was fine." Changbin mumbled. "Should've listened."

"I'm sorry," I looked over at Changbin. "I'm going home. Let me know how the gig goes." 

I turned my back towards everyone and began making my way to my car. I heard footsteps jogging behind me, trying to catch up. It was Chan.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing." He kept walking beside me. "I'm just walking you to your car."

The rest of the small walk from the entrance way to my car was silent. I kept my head down and watched my feet as I walked, kicking a few small rocks on the way. Once we got to my car, I unlocked it with my key and Chan opened the door for me. I gave him a quiet thank you before I got in.

"Get home safe," he said.

"I will."

I grabbed the handle inside of my car door and pulled it to shut the door. I gave my brother a faint smile before pulled out of the parking lot and headed home.

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