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Tonight was going to the be first night in a long time that we finally get the whole gang back together to actually hang out. I don't know how Chan did it, but he managed to get everyone to agree on hanging out tonight.

"Am I riding with you? Or am I meeting you there with everyone else?" Jeongin asked with his face close up to the screen.

I set my paint brush in the cup of water on my desk and sat on my bed. "I can swing by and pick you up if you want? I'm going to the coffee shop in a few for a bit before we meet up at Jisung's, but I don't mind picking you up."

"Okay good, because my mom needs her car tonight."

I laughed at the boy as he gave me a huge innocent smile. "Car still at the shop?" He nodded his head yes. "Alright, I'll text you when I'm on my way to get you."

"Thank you," he sang before he hung up.

I sighed as I stood up from my bed, pulling my shirt that had paint all over it, over my head, setting it on my desk by my art supplies. I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black v-neck tee, quickly pulling it on. I grabbed my phone from my bed and my keys from my dresser, making my way out of my room.

I stopped at Chan's room and knocked, opening it and popping my head in. "I'm leaving. I'll meet you at Jisung's."

"Coffee shop?" He asked as he kept his eyes glued to his laptop screen.

"Yup," I responded popping the 'p.'

"Alright, see you at Jisung's." Before I could close the door all the way, he yelled out, "Tell him I said hi!"

"You're annoying," I yelled back before finally closing his door.

I quickly made my way down the hall and out the front door. I unlocked my car and got in, turning it on and letting the cold air from my a/c hit me in the face. It was hot as hell outside. I sat in front of the house for a bit to let the a/c cool me down before I finally drove off and headed to the coffee shop.

Once I arrived, and parked in the back where the employees park, as I always do. I'm too lazy to fight for parking in the front, so I always just park in the back and walk my way around. I swung the door open and made my way to the counter, taking a seat in one of the chairs.

"You ready for tonight?" Yuna asked as she rang up my order.

"For some reason, I feel nervous. Is that weird?" I asked her.

"Well, we haven't seen everyone and actually hung out in so long. Plus your ex will be there, along with your 'new' man." She explained. "Speaking of your man."

"Hello, gorgeous." Minho greeted as he came from the back.

"Hi baby," I smiled.

"Did you start her drink yet?" He asked Yuna.

"No, I just started ringing her out."

"Put it as my employee drink." Minho told her as he began steaming the milk and pressing the espresso shots button.

"I thought you get free coffee?" I asked him.

"We get one free drink during our shift." Yuna replied, giving Minho a look. "But Minho gives himself multiple free drinks. When we're not on shift, we can have one employee discount drink a day."

"Lee Minho," I laughed. "Stop stealing coffee from the coffee shop."

He rolled his eyes at me playfully and handed me my drink. "Wanna ride with me tonight?" He asked as he wiped down the counter top where he was working at.

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