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I walked into the house after dress shopping with Yuna, kicking my shoes off at the door. I looked up to see my parents running around the house with clothes in thier hands.

"Oh, hi sweetie," my mom called out to me.

"Hi?" I shut the front door and continued to watch them. "What's going on?"

"Your dad, Hannah, Lucas, and I are going to Australia for the holiday." My mom responded, still going around the house. "I know it's last minute, but do you want to come with?"

I stood at the door, blinking rapidly as I tried to process the chaos happening with them packing so fast. Chan walked out from the hallway calmly, making his way to the kitchen.

"Is Chan going?" I asked.

"No. 3RACHA has a gig this weekend," Chan replied as he opened the fridge.

"Wait, why are you guys packing so fast? Did I miss something?"

Hannah came walking through the house, going straight to the kitchen. Everyone was too busy doing their own thing to answer my question.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi honey," my dad smiled as passed by.

"I give up."

I made my way down the hall to head to my room. Changbin was making his way out of his and Chan's room. He was looking down at his phone but immediately looked up before we passed.

"Chaise," he stopped me. "Why didn't you tell me you saw Elle today?"

"I didn't think it mattered?" I pressed my brows together as I looked at him confused. "Wait, who told you?"

"Jeongin." Figured. "Are you okay? Did she say anything to you?"

I shook my head and continued to make my way to my room. I plopped myself down in my bed, looking around my room. I really need to put up my big pile of clothes on my chair. My bedroom door opened up and Hannah walked in, eating a banana.

"Can I borrow those jean shorts with the sunflowers painted on the back pockets?" She asked.

"They're probably in the second drawer from the bottom," I said as I pointed towards my dresser. "Why is everyone running around like a maniac?"

Hannah took a bit of her banana while she looked through my dresser drawer to find the shorts she was looking for. "It was kind of a last minute decision. It was my fault honestly. I asked why we weren't going back home to visit for the holiday since we usually do and that's when Mom and Dad decided to buy tickets for the next flight."

I sat there and watched Hannah take her time to grab the shorts, grabbing another pair and holding them up to me. I nodded my head yes to let her know she could borrow them as well.

"I love how you're the calm one." I laughed as Hannah took another bite.

"Someone has to be," she shrugged and laughed along with me.

I watched my sister leave my room with two pairs of shorts in her hand, still eating her damn banana. I was just about to lie down to take another nap but Chan decided to walk into my room. He shut the door behind him, standing against it with his arms crossed.

"What?" I have no idea why he's looking at me like this, but whatever the reason it I don't like it.

"What's going on?" He narrowed his eyes at me as if he's trying to figure out a secret that I don't even know about. "You and Changbin. I know something is up. You can't just hate the dude and want nothing to do with him for weeks then suddenly sneak off to places together thinking no one would notice."

My heart dropped. He knows something, but I can't tell him. I told Changbin I didn't want anyone to know until we can no longer hide it. Chan is no exception. He may be my brother, he may be someone I always run to for help and advice, but there's no way I'm telling him I'm pregnant. There's no way I'm going to tell him the father of the baby is Changbin. Not now at least. I love Chan, but I've already decided to hide the pregnancy for as long as I can. I don't want to hear everyone's opinions on it. I don't want to hear everyone telling me what I should and should not do with Changbin or the baby. I know Chan will be upset at first, but he'd still be supportive of my decisions like he always has.

I sighed and hung my head down. "Alright, you caught us."

"Ah-ha! I knew there was something going on between the two of you!"

I looked up to see Chan pointing a finger at me. "Woah woah woah. Hold on there, mate." I chuckled. "Changbin just took me to the doctors to make sure I only had food poisoning and nothing more."

Chan dropped his hand that was pointing a finger at me. "Oh, that's it?"

I nodded my head giving my brother a soft smile. "Mhm. I woke up still feeling a bit shitty and Changbin was up so he offered to take me for a quick checkup just to make sure it wasn't something worse. That's it. You were still asleep so I didn't want to wake you up and Lucas can't drive so I wasn't going to ask him to come with. Everyone else was still asleep or busy doing something else. But the doctor told me to take some medicine and I'd feel better and so I did. Which was really good since I had plans with Yuna and Jeongin today."

Chan scratched the back of his neck, nodding his head. "Oh, well, I'm sorry for accusing you two of being sneaky," he apologized. "With everything that's happened between you two, and Minho too, I just thought- I don't know what I thought honestly."

"It's okay Channie."

Chan turned his back to me to leave my room. He opened my door but stood in the doorway for a few seconds before turning back to look at me. "Chaise."


"Promise me you'll be more careful."

I gave him a soft smile and a thumbs up. "I will."

"Please. You're my little sister and I hate seeing you hurt and upset. I just want you to be happy again." He turned back around to walk out of my room, closing the door behind him and leaving me there feeling a bit guilty.

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