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"Just hop up on here and we'll get started" the OB GYN said as she was reading through some paperwork she held in her hands.

I hopped into the examination table, getting myself comfortable, or as comfortable as I could get since I was already a nervous wreck. Changbin sat down in one of the chairs that was against the wall, giving me a faint smile.

"First one?" The OB GYN was giving me a warm smile as she set the paperwork down, grabbing some gloves to put on.

"Yes," I responded.

"Oh how exciting! This must be Dad." She looked over at Changbin, giving him the same warm smile.

"Changbin," he introduced himself.

The nurse sat down in her chair, placing a hand on my knee. "I'm Doctor Choi. All we're going to do today is check on the little one, check the heartbeat, and make sure everything is good." She looked over at Changbin and motioned him to get closer. "You can move the chair closer if you'd like."

He looked over at me with wide eyes. I nodded my head yes, reaching my out my hand and wiggling my fingers to let him know I want him next to me. I watched him get up and move the chair next to me, grabbing ahold of my hand as he sat down.

"I'm going to place this gel on your stomach," Dr. Choi said as she held up the bottle to show me. "If I can just have you lift your shirt and lower you pants to your hips."

I let go of Changbin's hand so I could do as she said. I watched her squeeze the gel on my stomach, letting out the smallest chuckle.

"Is it cold?" Changbin asked.

"It just feels odd," I responded.

Dr. Choi held up the part of the machines that they place onto the stomach. "I'm going to place this probe onto your stomach, it won't hurt. I'll even turn the monitor a bit so the two of you can see the baby."

She turned the monitor slightly so we all could see it, placing the probe onto my stomach and moving it around. I stared at the screen seeing it moving all over the place until she stopped. On the screen I could see a small spot, bigger than I expected, but still tiny.

"There's the baby," Dr. Choi said. She moved the probe around slight, using her finger on her free hand to point at the screen. "See that rapid beating right there? That's Baby's heart beat."

I looked over at Changbin. He was leaning forward, his elbows resting on his knees, covering his mouth with both hands. His gaze was locked on to the screen, not blinking an eye.

"Let's see if we can hear it," Dr. Choi said.

I snapped my focus back to the monitor to look at the small thing inside me. Dr. Choi was messing around with the machine, keeping the probe in the same spot for Changbin and I to continue looking at the baby. We started hearing a quick thumping sound and my eyes immediately started to water.

"That's the sound of the heartbeat."

Dr. Choi continued to examine the small bean, talking us through the whole appointment and pointing out small things. She even measured the bean and told us that we are nine weeks and three days pregnant. That was a surprise to me, I didn't realize how long the halloween party was.

"Any questions?" Dr. Choi looked at Changbin and I, the same warm smile never leaving her face.

"When can we find out the gender?" Changbin asked.

Dr. Choi was grabbing the few pictures she took of the bean, handing them to me along with a towel to clean off the gel from my stomach. "Around your twenty week appointment."

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