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I walked out of the bedroom to go to the living room, expecting to see Changbin there but he wasn't. I poked my head in the kitchen to see if he was possibly in there getting a snack but again, not there. The only other place I could think he could be at is our 'office room.' As I walked closer to the room, I could hear music playing. I slowly opened the door and there he was, sitting at his desk with music coming from the speakers.

"Working on music?" I stood in the doorway for a moment before finally walking into the room, standing behind him and resting my chin on the top of his head.

"I was just playing with random beats," he responded. He reached behind him and grabbed my arm, pulling me around and down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me tight, leaning back into his chair. "How was your nap?"

I chuckled softly, giving him a thumbs up. "It was one of the best naps I've had in a while." I leaned my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes and enjoying the warmth of his embrace. "I could honestly fall asleep again right here in your arms."

"Don't get too comfortable, we just got invited to go to another get together with everyone." Changbin lightly patted my thigh to keep me from falling asleep.

I lifted my head up from his shoulder, pressing my brows together at him. "Huh?"

"Did you not check your phone when you woke up?" From the look on my face, he knew I was still confused. "The group chat?" He shook his head smiling softly at me. "Jisung and Felix asked if everyone wanted to hang out tonight. Everyone else is going, and I said I'll see."

"Oh, well why didn't you just say yes?"

"Because I wasn't sure if you wanted to go together or not. You know, since the only person who knows we're back together is your brother."

I raised my brow and made an "o" shape with my mouth. I looked down at my legs, puckering out my lips as I thought for a moment. We did say we would tell everyone eventually, but are we both ready now? We just moved into the house a few days ago and still haven't told a soul about it. 

I took a deep breath in, holding it in for a moment before quickly exhaling and speaking. "Let's just go together and just be honest with everyone, tell them we're back together and are living together. They're our friends, they deserve to know at least that much."

Changbin placed a hand on my cheek, gently caressing it. "Princess, are you sure you're ready to let them know? You know how some of them are. They were there for a lot of the mess we went through and they may have opinions against us being together again."

"Okay and?" My tone came off with a bit too much attitude, I didn't even mean for it to come off that way. 

"I just want to make sure you're ready for the questions we'll have to answer."

"I understand that, and if they ask questions, then we can either answer them or tell them we don't want to. Who cares if they are against us. Did they go through what we did? Did they experience a loss like us that brought us closer and made us not want to leave each other's side? They can have their opinions and I could care less if they don't like it. As long as we're happy, and are working together for a healthy and happy relationship, then that's all that matters to me."

Changbin just stared at me, nodding his head slightly after everything I said. He didn't say anything after that. He just reached for his phone and unlocked it, quickly typing out a message, sending it and locking his phone again.

"I told them we'll be there." He gave me a cute smile, kissing the tip of my nose. Instantly his phone started ringing, it was Chan. He raised one brow as he answered the phone, placing the speaker against his ear. "Hello? O-oh..." The look on his face changed. He looked a bit scared, like he was just told something he was afraid to hear.

"What?" I whispered. 

Changbin held up a finger to me as he continued to listen to my brother talking. "H-hold on Chan." He removed his phone from his ear, holding it close to his chest. "They're going clubbing..."

"Okay? What's wrong with- Ohh.." Now I see why his reaction was the way it was. 

Ever since the halloween party, Changbin refused to touch alcohol. I haven't drank either just because I had no reason to. Changbin is more afraid of letting himself ago again, which is why he hasn't drank in months. 

"We don't have to go if you don't want to." I told him. I don't want to make him go somewhere that has a lot of alcohol where he could be triggered. "We can just stay home and tell them we'll see them another time."

"I mean, I don't mind going to hang out with them," he began. "But the drinking.."

"Baby let's just stay home then. I really don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

Changbin put the phone back against his ear to talk to Chan again. "Yeah no we'll be there. Thanks for the heads up. I'll be the one of the DDs since I don't drink. Okay see you then." Changbin hung up his phone and set it on his desk. He pulled me closer to him, squeezing me tight. 

"Binnie, we don't have to go-"

He cut me off. "I know, but I'll be okay."

I pulled away from his body, placing both my hands on the sides of his face. "Are you sure?" He nodded his head yes to reassure me. "If you start feeling uncomfortable, just tell me and we can come back home."

"The same goes for you." He ran his fingers through my hair, combing out some of the tangles I had. "If you start feeling uncomfortable, tell me. If you don't like the atmosphere, tell me. Communication is key."

I pressed my lips against his, giving him a loving kiss, letting him know I trust him. He placed a hand on the back of my head, holding me closer to him as he deepened the kiss. I felt his tongue run against my bottom lip as he asked for entrance. His other hand was on my thigh, giving it a tight squeeze.

He quickly pulled away, clearing his throat as he did. "Sorry, I needed to stop before I got carried away," he apologized.

I gave him a quick peck on his lips. "It's okay." I placed another kiss on his forehead, escaping from his arms and standing up. "Lets go get ready."

I held my hand out for him to take, pulling him up from his chair and walking with him to the room so we could get dressed and ready for tonight.

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