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I took a sip of my coffee, tasting the yummy sweet flavors of white chocolate and blackberry. Minho just sat there looking at me, waiting for me to speak. I set my cup down on the table and gave him a faint smile.

"Look," I sighed. "I wanted to talk to you about everything. From the beginning of the relationship to the end." 

He crossed his arms and leaned back in the chair. He had this blank stare on his face. He didn't look upset; he really didn't look like anything. No emotion. 

"I know sorry isn't going to fix the damage I've caused for you." It wasn't. I hurt him. "But I don't want to lose you. I still want you in my life, Minho. You were a good friend to me since the beginning. You were there for me after my attempt months ago. You were literally there for me. You never left my side, always making sure I was okay, staying at the house to watch me when my parents or Chan were busy."

Minho was still silent. But now his face went from emotionless to focused. I knew he was listening to every word I was saying.

"I'm not saying you have to forgive me at this moment, but I don't want to lose you. But that also doesn't mean I want us to get back together. You deserve someone who treats you so well, someone who loves you the way you should be loved. Unfortunately that isn't me. I'm not saying I never loved you, but I know I didn't love you the way you loved me. If we can just go back to the way it was before, being friends and getting on each other's last nerve, I would really like that."

Minho sat there staring at me a bit longer before he let out a sigh. He pushed himself off from the back of the chair, resting his elbows on the table.

"You hurt me, Chaise." He finally spoke up. "I let myself be vulnerable around you. I cared about you, I still do. But I know there's going to be no way to avoid you if I ever wanted to. So it's a good thing that I also want you in my life still."

"Friends?" I asked, giving him a faint smile.

He nodded his head, returning a small smile. "Friends."

I took another sip of my coffee, licking the coffee from my lips, letting out a small hum. "You really know how to make a good coffee." Minho let out a small chuckle. "I know we can't pretend what happened never did, but we can move forward and I'll make it up to you. I'm so sorry of again for what I did. I never wanted to hurt you-"

"Let's not talk about it anymore." Minho cut me off. "Like you said, we can move forward, so let's do that."

"Minho!" Yuna called for him.

I turned my head to look towards the counter where she was at, seeing a worried look on her face with an angry costumer across the counter.

"Duty calls," Minho sighed. "Guess I should go see what pissed this lady off."

We both stood up from the table and pushed our chairs in.

"I should get going too. I have a painting I should finish." I grabbed my cup of coffee, taking another sip while giving him a small wave before turning around and walking towards the door. "Bye Yuna," I said to her as I passed by on my way out.

I unlocked my car with my key and as I was about to open the car door, my phone began to ring. It was Felix. I quickly swiped the button over to answer his call, placing the phone between my shoulder and head.


"Chaise! Are you busy?"

I opened my car door and slid into the seat, putting my coffee in one of the cup holders before turning my car on. "Not really, what's up?"

"Can you come over and help me finish painting my room? Seungmin left and Hyunjin is at dance practice and Jisung would get distracted to easily."

I thought about the painting that I needed to finish, but I've been procrastinating on finishing it for a week now and I still have no motivation to finish it.

"Alright, I'm on my way."

Felix thanked me before hanging up the phone. I quickly buckled up and began to pull out of the coffee shop's parking lot, making my way to the Aussie boy's dorm. It wasn't long before I arrived and made my way inside the building, taking the last few sips of my coffee as I looked for his room number. Thank God he's on the first floor so I didn't have to take the stairs or wait for the elevator.

Once I found his room, I knocked a few times and waited patiently for him to answer. It wasn't even five seconds after I knocked before I heard the door knob twist and the door opened.

"Felix, why are you shirtless?" I made my way inside his room, throwing the empty coffee cup in the trash.

"I got paint all over the shirt I was wearing so I took it off to change, but then I realized I probably would get another shirt dirty so decided not to wear a shirt anymore."

I opened my mouth to say something, but quickly shook my head. I looked at his room to see he had majority of it painted. Just one wall left and the edges by the ceiling needed to be painted.

"Look at you painting a room like a pro."

"I'll be honest," he chuckled. "It was mostly Seungmin."

I grabbed the chair at his desk and move it close to a wall. I saw the paint brushes and paint rollers resting in the small trey that had some paint in it. I grabbed one of the brushes, sticking it into the paint and climbing onto the chair, I decided to start doing the edges by the ceiling. Felix turned up his music and grabbed one of the paint rollers and started painting the last wall that needed to be done.

While we were painting, we would have small karaoke sessions using the paint brushes as microphones and dancing in the middle of the room around all the furniture that was in the way. It didn't take us long to finish painting, especially since he and Seungmin had done most of it before he called me for help.

Once the walls were dry, I helped him move his furniture back to where he had them before. While he organized some things, I took his brushes to his bathroom to clean them in his sink.

"I like this shade of grey. It's not too light, not too dark. Did you pick this out, or did Seungmin?" I sat down on his bed as I looked around his room, happy with the new wall color.

"I did!" He gave me a huge smile. "Seungmin approved, but I picked it out."

"Well you did great."

Felix sat on his bed next to me, throwing himself to lay on his back. "How's it going with Changbin?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I laid on my back as well, staring at his ceiling. "Alright. I don't really talk to him much. I stay in my room all the time and when I do see him, I just try to keep the conversations as quick as possible."

Felix hummed, nodding his head as he understood what I was saying. "I don't blame you. Shit hit the fan once again with him." He turned his head to look at me, but I kept my gaze at his ceiling. "I have a feeling you two will work it all out."

"You do?" That caught my attention. I snapped my head to him, pressing my brows together.

"Mhm. It may take a bit, but eventually you two will come around again and everything will be okay."

I let out a small sigh, looking back at his ceiling. "If it happens, it happens. Right now I'm just focusing on myself. Doing things I want to do, doing things I love. Just having fun while I can." I looked back over at him as he was still looking at me. "When we're ready, if we ever are ready, then it'll happen. Or if I happen to find someone else, when it happens it happens. We're only twenty, this is the time for us to have fun."

"You're right!" He has a big smile on his face. "We're young, we should be having fun!"

"I'm glad you agree," I chuckled. "Thank you, Lix."

"For what?"

"This." I threw my arms around. "Having me over to help you paint, jamming out to music. It really took my mind off of things and helped me relax."

He gave me the sweetest eye smile with a nose scrunch. "I'm glad I could help."

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