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We all were seated in the living room, mouths full of pizza. I moved off from Minho's lap onto the floor next to Yuna. I rested my head on her shoulder as I took a bit from the greasy triangle, setting it back down on my plate that was in my lap.

"So what's everyone been up to lately?" I asked to break the silence. "I know we're all busy trying to be adults now. Chan, how's things going with you?"

Chan covered his mouth as he spoke. "Chaise, we live in the same house. You know exactly how I've been."

"But not everyone knows how you are." Jeongin said as he raised his eyebrows.

Chan nodded his head agreeing to the young one's statement. "Things are good. Jisung and I have been trying to produce more music."

"Changbin, have you done anything music related?" Seungmin asked with pizza still in his mouth.

"I've tried a bit." Changbin responded. "It's just hard now that I'm on my own. I don't have the motivation or the inspiration much anymore." He took a few glances at me, giving me the hint that I was his motivation and inspiration.

"Why don't you just join back with Chan and Jisung?" Felix asked. "I mean, you three produced some bops when 3Racha was still a thing."

"I honestly wouldn't mind having you back." Chan admitted. "It's really not the same without you."

"I agree with Chan." Jisung chimed in. "I mean, only if you're down to come back and work with us?"

"I'd like to, but I'd have to talk to my parents first to see if they'd let me move back in."

"You're not at your parents place anymore?" Yuna asked.

"No." Changbin sighed and set his plate on the coffee table. "After I left 3Racha, they were pretty pissed with me and told me to get out and go live with my sister. She lives is Busan so trying to come back here and live with my parents again will be a task."

"Why don't you just stay with Chan?" Hyunjin suggested. "Or even Jisung? Just until you find your own place."

"I wouldn't mind." Chan spoke up. "My parents always ask about you anyway. I'm sure Hannah and Lucas wouldn't mind having another brother like figure to annoy for a few months or so? What do you think, Chaise?"

Everyone's focus turned to me. I felt my cheeks heat up and my breathing get a bit uneasy. "I mean, I guess it's fine. I don't know why you have to ask me."

"Perfect," Changbin said as he winked at me.

"What about our Uni kids?" Minho asked. "How's classes going?"

"Hell." Felix blurted out. "I still have no idea what I want to do."

"Why not graphic design?" I suggested. "You like video games, with that you could try to make your own."

Felix sat there and thought about it for a moment. "Nah, too much work."

"You're extremely lazy, it's pathetic." Seungmin said. "Uni is fine for me, classes are easy. How's the dance major going?" Hyunjin gave us a thumbs up as he chewed on his big bite of pizza. "Jeongin, hows school?" Seungmin asked.

"It's so boring." His shoulders slumped forward and a small pout appeared on his face. "I don't really talk to anyone at school. I'm just ready to be done with that shit of a place."

"Minho," Changbin called. "We haven't heard you talk much, yet. How's life? Treating you good? Is Chaise treating you good?" He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

Minho blinked rapidly before he replied. "Life is good. And if you really must know, yes. Chaise treats me very well."

"I'm sure she does." Changbin mumbled. 

"What about you, Chaise?" Yuna asked with a huge smile on her face.

"Not too bad." I smiled. "I have to head up to one of the schools next week to start painting a mural for them. Still have no idea what they want so it's a bit frustrating but, I'll figure it out."

"Yuna, Jisung." Minho sang. "How are things with you two? Anything exciting?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

I looked over at the two who had bright red faces.

Jisung cleared his throat and looked at Yuna. "Well, we're great. Um, she still wants to punch me out sometimes like always. And, um-" He grabbed Yuna's left hand, raising it up for everyone to see the huge rock that sat on her ring finger.

The whole room filled with gasps and Jeongin's scream.

"Holy shit." Chan got up from the couch and walked over to the two, kneeling down in front of them. He grabbed Yuna's hand and starting inspecting it. "Han Jisung, this is real. You really did this."

"Who would've thought the squirrel boy would've been engaged before the rest of us." Changbin joked.

"Have you guys set a date yet?" I asked Yuna.

She shook her head no as she laughed at Chris still looking at her ring. "No. We're still trying to figure out if we want something big or small. Depending on what we decide will determine how close or how far the wedding will be."

"I see," I nodded understanding what she meant. "There's no rush. Just enjoy each other's love." I leaned my head on her shoulder again. She reached over with her free hand, patting my cheek gently.

"I think this calls for a celebration." Felix shouted. "Jisung, you guys have drinks right?"

Jisung just laughed at Felix's excitement to get drunk. "Sadly, no. So we'll need someone to run to the store and grab some for us."

"I'll go." Changbin volunteered. He stood up and pulled out his car keys from his pocket.

"Alright, anyone want to go with him?" Chan asked.

"Chaise said she'll come with." Changbin said.

I looked over at him confused. "I-I did?"

Changbin gave me a glare. "Yeah, remember? Come on. I want to ask you about a design for a tattoo. We can talk about it while at the store."

I slowly stood up from the floor and looked at Minho for help. Minho's expression wasn't friendly. He had a mixed look of worry and anger. He stood up from the couch and said, "Let's go."

Changbin held his hand up and shook his head. "Don't worry. We don't need three people going to get drinks. It's just a small celebration slash kickback. Not one of your old high school parties."

Minho looked over at me and I mouthed for him to sit down. Changbin made his way to the door and began to walk out. I followed behind him slowly, keeping my head down as I watched my feet walk out of the house.

"Hurry up." Changbin's voice was deep. "I can already hear the shit I'm about to get. Let's make this quick."

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