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My phone began to ring on Changbin's desk. I set down my paintbrush and rushed over to the other side of the office, grabbing my phone and answering the call. "Hello?"

It was my mom. "Hi Sweetie!" Her voice was very sweet and cheerful that put a smile on my face the moment she spoke. "Do you think you could open your door for me? I texted you to let you know I was going to stop by but you never responded. I even texted Changbin to let him know as well but he told me he was at work."

I quickly made my way out of the office and ran to the living room to open the door. The moment I swung the door open, I wrapped my arms around her, giving her a big hug.

"I'm so sorry for not responding," I pouted. "I was painting and listening to music I didn't hear that you texted."

I moved out of the way and allowed my mom to come in. She stepped inside and looked all around the living room, the smile never leaving her face. Unlike my dad, she hasn't seen the new house. My dad had helped Changbin move furniture in to the house when Chan couldn't.

"Oh it's such a nice place," she complimented. "It seems so much like the two fo you."

I giggled as I shut the front door. "Feel free to walk around and check out the rest of the house. The bedroom is still in progress so don't mind the unfinished painting."

My mom began to walk around the house, looking at every room. While she was giving herself a tour, I went to the kitchen to get a glass of water for her and myself. I made my way back to the office, expecting to see her there but she wasn't.

"What's this room for, Sweetie?" I heard her call from the empty room. I walked out of the office, seeing her standing in the doorway and staring at the empty space. "Are you going to make this your own work space? Ooo, you could make this a packing office where you could pack your painting orders!"

I cleared my throat nervously. "Actually, this is going to be a baby's room when we're ready." I admitted to her.

She quickly turned her focus to me with wide eyes. "Chaise-Alyyzabeth."

"I mean it's not happening now!" I tried to explain. "In the future when we're both ready for a kid, then we'll have a room for it. Trust me Mom, we're not ready just yet."

She looked back at the empty space, a small smile forming on her face. "I want to be the first to know when you two will be blessing me with my first grandchild."

"First?" I laughed. "What makes you think I'm going to be the one with a kid first?"

My mom gave me a look. "You really think Christopher would be the one to give me a grandchild? He's too focused on his music career to worry about a relationship. Especially not after that one girlfriend he had in high school that broke his poor heart."

"You knew about her?" I was completely shocked.

"We all did."

"Was I really the only one in the house who didn't know about her?" Not saying that I'm a bit hurt, but I'm actually a bit hurt.

My mom just stood there and laughed at the expression I had on my face. "This was when you two weren't the best of friends."

My mom grabbed a glass of water from my hands and made her way inside the room. She sat down on the ground, looking all around. I couldn't help but smile to myself, deciding to sit on the ground next to her.

She took a sip of her water before breaking the silence. "So, I'm assuming you see yourself with Changbin."

"I do," I responded.

My mom took in a deep breath and slowly let it out through her nose. "I'm glad to see you happy. It's been a long time since we've seen you genuinely happy. I hope he's taking good care of you."

"He does." I smiled to myself again as I thought about how well Changbin has been to me the past few months. "I hope to spend the rest of my life with him. I really do love him a lot, sometimes it physically hurts," I chuckled.

"That's how I was with your dad." My mom scrunched her nose as she smiled back at me. "You feel it in you chest."

I set my glass of water down on the ground beside me, throwing myself back to lay on the floor and stare up at the ceiling. My mom followed, grabbing a hold of my hand when she was comfortable. She gave it a tight squeeze for a moment before relaxing her hand and just holding it firm in her hand.

"Do you think Changbin would propose to you in a cute way or in a casual way?" I snapped my head towards her and laughed. "What? I'm curious!"

"Mom!" I whined. "We're only twenty and twenty-one. Slow down."

She chuckled at my reaction, giving me a nose scrunched giggle. "You do realize this is when a lot of kids your age start settling down, right? Look at Jisung and Yuna. Eventually you two will be like that."

She did have a point. Now that high school is over with and everyone's either in college or off working, everyone is now getting hitched or popping out babies. We have the Han's who's wedding is still yet unknown but it's close. Hyunjin has been talking to a girl for a bit. I saw on instagram that a girl I knew back at Academy is having her second baby.

I sighed as I thought about it all. "When he's ready he'll do something about it. We've only been back together for a few months."

"But you two were together for a good while back in high school. Now you two are way more mature and are actually in love like you two should've been from the beginning," my mom mentioned. "Are you ready?"

I stared up at the ceiling and thought about her question. Of course I'm ready. But I'm in no rush to get things done.

"I am," I admitted. "I'm ready to start a whole life with him. But like I said, we're still young. We have plenty of time to do those kinds of things. Right now we're enjoying each other's company and love, working harder to make sure we show each other that we love one another."

There was a faint knock on the doorframe causing my mom and I to sit up. Changbin was standing there, leaning against the frame dressed in slacks and a nice button up shirt.

"You keep doing that," I whined as I got up from the ground and helped my mom up. "He did this a few days ago at the coffee shop. It's like he knows when someone's talking about him."

Changbin just stood there and laughed at my playful angry pout. He greeted my mom, giving her a hug.

"Off work?" She asked him. He nodded his head. My mom looked at her phone, seeing the time. "Oh I better get going. Lucas has swim practice after school."

Changbin and I walked her out of the room and to the door. She gave us both a warm hug, whispering something in Changbin's ear that I couldn't hear. Once she was out of the house and closer to her car, Changbin shut the door and locked it, looking over at me with a smile.

"What did that crazy lady say to you?" I asked as I crossed my arms.

"Nothing," he smiled wider. "So, marriage and babies huh?"

I rolled my eyes and walked away towards the office. "Shut up, you heard nothing."

"Oh I heard plenty!" I could hear his high pitch giggle still in the living room. "So, would you prefer a cute proposal or a casual one?"

"Shut the fuck up," I responded.

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