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I walked into the coffee shop and made my way to the back to grab an apron and put it on. Yuna was taking an order and Minho was in the back doing inventory. Yuna glanced over at me, giving me a small wave as she continued to listen to the customer's order.

"Hey Minho," I greeted while I walked past him to head over to the sink to wash my hands. He didn't respond. He just looked at me for a second then turned his focus back to the inventory paper.

I frowned as I watched him look through the products. I quickly dried my hands before heading over to the counter to help Yuna with the drinks. She was already starting to steam the milk, getting the cup sizes she needed for this order.

"What's wrong with Minho?" Yuna asked me as she started to put syrup into the cups.

I shrugged my shoulders, shaking my head. "Has he been like this all day?" Yuna nodded.

We continued to make the order for the customer, writing the drink on the lids and putting the in a drink carrier for them. Once we finished the small order and handed the customer the drinks, Minho had walked up to the counter, tapping my shoulder.

"Come with me for a moment." 

I followed him to the back. He set down the papers that he was marking on for inventory on one of the shelfs before walking out of the building through the back door. I glanced back at Yuna and her eyes were wide as she watched us walk outside. Once I stepped outside, Minho shut the door behind me.

"I don't know if I can do this," he spoke. 

"Do what?" I was confused as to what 'this' was.

"Have you work here."

My mouth hung open for a moment as I tried to process the words he just said. "Am I that bad of a barista? I thought I was doing good at making coffee."

Minho sighed. "No, you're actually an amazing barista. But I don't think I can have you working here for personal reasons."

"You're joking, right?" 

I was not believing what I was hearing. Personal reasons? When it came to being the manager at the coffee shop, Minho has always kept it professional. He would have legitimate reasons to fire someone, never anything personal. Suddenly I'm the one who he has personal problems with and is letting go.

"No, I'm serious." By the look on his face, he really was serious. "Chaise, I'm sorry but I can't do this. I'll let you know when your check is ready to be picked up."

He quickly turned his back to me and opened the door to walk back inside. I walked in right behind him, stomping my feet. He started making his way up to the counter to clean up a bit and wait for a customer.

"Lee Minho, tell me what's wrong. What did I do that was so bad to you that you have to let me go for personal reasons? You're more professional than this, what is your problem?" I wanted an answer. There's no way I'm leaving until I get one. "Minho!"

Minho threw the rag down on to the counter and faced me. "Because I still love you, Chaise! I thought everything would be okay if I let you work here. I thought that maybe, as time goes by, we could fix things. But the moment I saw his hands on you at the club, I knew I lost you for good. For my sake, I can't have you working here. I don't even think I can hang out with you as friends like before, not unless we're with the whole group. It hurts me to look at you and remember the happy moments we had when we were together, but it hurts more to see you back with him after all the fucked up shit he put you through."

"Minho-" I tried to stop him.

"I get that you love the guy, but how are you going to get back with him after telling me all those times that you wanted nothing to do with him ever again? How are you going to sit there at my house, and cry to me about everything he did to you, all the trauma he put you through, the trust issues, everything? Then you go and cheat on me at a party with him, and now you two are back together, and from what I heard, living together in a new house? I can't do it Chaise. I don't want to keep looking at you when I know I will never get the chance to get you back and make things right. I still love you and I don't want to. I want to hate you for all of this, but I can't when I have to see you everyday."

Changbin cleared his throat and that caught Minho's attention. Minho turned around to face the counter, seeing 3RACHA standing there. My brother and Jisung's mouths were hanging to the floor, Changbin just had his hands in his pockets.

"Three medium white chocolate mochas, please." Changbin ordered.

Minho didn't say anything. He just rang them out, grabbing Changbin's card and swiping it before handing it back to him. Yuna was already working on making their drinks, quickly handing them out. While they were doing that, I had taken off my apron and hung it back where it belonged. I made my way out from behind the counter and sat with 3RACHA in a booth.

"What was that?" Chan asked as soon as I sat down.

"I got fired."

"Did he really fire you for being with me?" Changbin asked as he glared towards Minho.

"Yup." I laid my head down on the table, letting out a small groan. "What the hell am I suppose to do now for paying bills? I still have to pay off all my hospital bills as well."

I felt a hand ruffle my hair which caused me to sit up quickly. My brother was giving me a childish-like smile while he sipped on his coffee. "Don't worry, Changbin has an interview with my boss tomorrow so if everything goes well, he'll be working at the office with me for a bit."

"No." All three of the boys looked at me confused. "I'm not going to sit on the couch and have Changbin pay for everything."

I saw Yuna walk up to the table nervously. She gave us a small wave, looking back over her shoulder towards the counter and then back at us.

"Baby!" Jisung cheered as his fiancé approached the table.

"Hi Honey." She smiled. "I'm so sorry Chaise," she started, giving me an apologetic smile.

I rolled my eyes and stood up from the table. "Are you fucking kidding me right now."

"Yeah," she sighed as she hung her head down low. "He said he doesn't want you to come back here until he says so."

I looked over at Minho who was standing behind the counter still, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Yuna kick me out of the coffee shop.

"You sent her over here to tell me to leave?" I said to him from across this shop. '

I grabbed my keys from the table and marched my way out of the shop and straight to my car. I got in, slamming my door shut and turning the engine on. I don't blame him for acting this way, but I don't appreciate the unprofessionalism he lacked for firing me over a relationship. I sat in my car for what seems like a while. Just as I was about to finally pull out of the parking spot, I saw Minho coming out of the shop and making his way to my car. He lightly knocked on my window, signaling for me to roll it down.

"What?" I snapped as soon as I started to roll down the window.

"I'm sorry," he apologized. "But I hope you can see where I'm coming from and don't take it too personally."

I pressed my brows together and licked my lips before opening my mouth. "You don't want me to take this personally? When you on the other hand, fired me for personal reasons that had to do with my relastionship? Minho I don't even want to talk to you right now, let alone look at you."

Minho let out a small chuckle. "I just need time to move on. I know I'm never going to get you back, so I would appreciate it if I just have this place as a safe place for myself where I can work on moving on and eventually be okay with everything."

"Why didn't you just say that in the first place instead of being a jerk?" I sighed and nodded my head. "But yeah, I get where you're coming from. I'll give you your space and time. You just let me know when you're ready to pick up the friendship again."

Minho nodded his head and gave me a soft faint smile. "Thank you. I'm sorry, again." With that, he walked away from my car and made his way back inside the shop to continue the rest of his shift.

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