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I sat down in one of the chairs at the counter next to Jeongin. We decided to pay Yuna a visit at work. I haven't hung out with Jeongin in a hot minute since he's still in school and I'm busy with doing custom paintings.

"Usual?" Minho asked. I nodded my head and gave him a thumbs up. "What would you like little one?" He looked over at Jeongin.

"Iced americano," he responded, flashing him a big cheesy smile.

Yuna walked out from the back. "Oh great, just the person I wanted to see." She hurried over to the counter, standing in front of me. "Are you busy not tomorrow night, but the night after?"

"Are you guys busy either night?" Minho added in as he started making our drinks.

"No, why?" I asked.

Minho held up a finger as he finished making Jeongin's drink. He set the cup down in front of the younger boy, looking at the two of us and Yuna. "You guys wanna come over tomorrow night? Have another big get together with everyone again?"

The three of us all agreed with the idea of another get together. Even though we all have our own lives with some being in school, some working, others getting ready to start a life together, and some keeping a big secret, the thought of having to go another two years before everyone gets together sucks. If we could all get together once a month or so, that would be nice. We spent so much time together back in high school, it honestly felt off not seeing everyone together once people started graduating.

"Great, I'll send a text in the group chat to let the others know." Minho started pulling out his phone and began typing.

"Anyway," Yuna said. "Want to go wedding dress shopping with me?" She had a big smile on her face as she asked me. "Jeongin you can come to if you want."

"Oh yes please!" Jeongin gave her a big smile.

"I'd love to go," I responded. "Around what time were you thinking of going?"

Yuna hummed as she thought. "Sometime around 3ish?"

"Okay that'll work."

minho: get together at my house tomorrow. everyone is coming. no ifs ands or buts

Minho set my drink down in front of me. I laughed at the message, taking a sip of my coffee.

hyunjin: why is this still the name of the gc?
chan: say less

chan: better
jeongin: i am not a bastard

bastards and sweet jeongin
chan: how's that?
seungmin: can i leave this gc?
changbin: me too
felix: rip litober

"I can't stand you guys," I mumbled as I read all the incoming texts from the group chat.

I took another sip of my coffee, enjoying the sweet taste. My phone started to ring and I glanced down to see Changbin's name across the screen. I quickly set my cup down and grabbed my phone, getting up from my seat and running to the bathroom.

"Hello?" I whispered as I rushed inside the bathroom.

"Did you make the appointment yet?" For the past few days, Changbin has been on my ass about making a doctors appointment. Every chance he gets, he'll text me or call me and ask if I've done it. "You haven't have you?"

"I was going to-"

"Don't worry I made one already." That caught me off guard. "I knew you'd forget so I just went ahead and made one. We go in on Saturday at 1."

"Oh good. It won't interfere with wedding dress shopping with Yuna." Thank God. If it did, I have no idea how I'd tell Yuna I couldn't go.

It was quiet on his side of the phone for a few seconds. "Alright that's all I called for. Bye." Before I could even say anything he hung up the phone.

I made my way back out to the counter, sitting back down next to Jeongin. Minho and Yuna were busy taking orders and making drinks. Jeongin was playing a game on his phone.

"Fox." I heard a soft hum come from the boy next to me. "Do you ever feel like, the world is against you sometimes?"

Jeongin paused his game and turned his focus to me. "What do you mean?"

"Like something bad always happens not matter what."

Jeongin pressed his brows together as he thought about what I said. "Not really. Do you feel like that?"

"Sometimes." I admitted. "Sometimes good things happen to me and then suddenly, it feels like everything starts crashing down. Maybe that's just me being dramatic."

Jeongin laughed at my last statement, nodding his head in agreement. "The world isn't against you, Chaise. Life just throws some challenges at you because you're a strong girl. You've really been through a lot throughout your life and to see you still sitting here next to me with a bright smile and sparkles in your eyes is amazing to me. I know people who wish they were as strong at you."

I tilted my head with a small pout on my face. "I love you, Fox."

"I love you, Koala." He put a hand on the top of my head and ruffled my hair. "I'm honestly excited to see everyone again tomorrow. It's been since halloween and I miss acting like kids and worrying about who did the homework."

"Jeongin, sweetie, you're still in high school." I chuckled.

He gave me a disgusted face. "Thanks for the reminder that everyone left me alone in hell."

"Not our fault you were born in 2001." Minho chimed in.

"Don't you have coffee to make?" Jeongin said to him.

Minho glared at the young one, quickly flipping him off before turning his back to us to face the machines and make coffee for the few costumers that just ordered. I shook my head and chuckled as I took another drink of my coffee. Minho may be older than Jeongin, but he sure does act younger sometimes.

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