Chapter 54

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The crown of Gondor glints in the brilliant sunshine as Gandalf places it on Aragorn's head, "Now come the days of the King. May they be blessed." Aragorn turns to the crowd an everyone begins to cheer and clap. Aragorn speaks, "This day does not belong to one man but to all. Let us together rebuild this world that we may share in the days of our people." He started to sing a song in elvish as he walked down the steps. He finished and walked by Faramir and Eowyn, who bowed to him. I am glad she found her love. Aragorn continued and came to a stop in front of Legolas and I. He smiled when he spotted Legolas' hand resting on my slightly larger stomach.

I was 4 months pregnant. It happened the night I awoke after the battle. We were so thrilled when we found out we were finally going to start a family.

Aragorn turns to me and speaks to the crowd, "I made a promise to a dear friend of mine that people will bow to her one day. And I refuse to break that promise." I watched with teary eyes and everyone began to bow at me, row by row. I felt Legolas' arm slip away as he bowed. Aragorn kept his promise.

People all begin to stand and clap. Legolas smiled and gestures behind us. A banner carried aloft bearing the white tree of Gondor in full flower. The ranks of elves part to reveal Arwen, eyes shining, mortal now but deeply in love. She bows her head but Aragorn tilts her him up and kisses her passionately. Legolas stroked my stomach and I smile.

We follow behind Aragorn and Arwen, as we approach the four hobbits. They bow but Aragorn objects, "My friends. You bow to no one." Aragorn bows and everyone soon follows. The hobbits look around in surprise.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now