Chapter 27

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*Third Person View*

Legolas' mind could barely comprehend the beauty in front of him as his beloved Raina tilted her head up and laughed at something Gimli said. His heartbeat rose as he stared at her naturally straight locks of blue hair. Oh, how he missed the feeling of running his slim fingers through it. Having her in his arms.
I turned back to smile at Legolas who was staring at me with eyes full of love.

I was currently ride alongside the king with Legolas a few feet behind me.

I rode back a bit and ride alongside Gimli and Eomer. "It's true you don't see many dwarf women. And in fact, they are so alike in voice and appearance, that they are often mistaken for dwarf men." I turned to Eowyn and whispered, "It's the beards."

She laughed quietly and continued to listen to Gimli, "This, in turn, has lead to believe that there are no dwarf women," Gimli started to laugh, "And that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground, which is of course, ridiculous." He lifted his arms as he spoke with spooked the horse he was riding. The horse galloped about 10ft away before he fell off with a loud thump.

I laughed and rode over to him while Eowyn went to the horse. "It's all right. Nobody panic. That was deliberate. It was deliberate." I laughed as he got up and rode over to a chuckling Legolas.

We ride for a few more hours and decided to take a rest for the night. I sat next to Aragorn as Eowyn walked over to us carrying a steaming pot.

"I made some stew. It isn't much but it's hot." She passed Aragorn and I each a bowl and I took a sip. It was horrid. I swallowed it down with the strength I could muster up, "It's good." Eowyn smiled at me, "Really?" I nodded. She turned away for a moment and Aragorn and I started to dump it out, but she turned back. I had finished dumping mine while Aragorn had to quickly still so it slashed and burned his hands. Poor guy.

"My uncle told me a strange thing. He said you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken." Aragorn nodded, "Kind Theoden has a good memory. He was only a small child." Eowyn kneeled before him in shock, "Then you must be at least 60. 70? You cannot be 80!" Aragorn looked at her and smiled, "87." She stood in surprise, "You are one of the Dunedain. A descendent of number, blessed with long life. It was said that your race had passed into legend." Aragorn nodded, "There are few of us left. The northern kingdom was destroyed long ago." She frowned, "I'm sorry. Please eat."

I bid them farewell before leaving to try and find Legolas.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now