Chapter 3

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I woke up in my bed with Gandalf leaning over me. "What happened?" I asked in confusion. He smiled, "For this journey, I would leave the corsets here. Your dress was too tight and you could not breath." I slowly nodded. I saw the sun rising and realized I still had to pack. I shot out of bed and packed everything I needed before heading into the bathroom and changing. (Picture to the side. Cloak is floor length) Gandalf had left by the time I got out so I headed down to the stables to get Aola ready. I walked to her stall and stroked her nose, "Hello gorgeous." She neighed so I grabbed one of her brushes and started grooming her. After a few minutes, I grabbed the saddle and put it on her. I connected all my bags and pouches to it and lead her out of the stables. I spotted Aragorn and Legolas talking so I headed over. Aragorn smiled at me and Legolas just kind of stared at me. Okay then. "Good morning." I said with a smile. My chestnut brown hair, which I inherited from my mother, was in a ponytail and had a braid going into it. Legolas stared at Aola in astonishment. "This is Aola; Horse of the Night. She is Shadowfax's mate. Immortal and happens to be an old friend of mine. She's stuck by my side for many years." I explained and Legolas smiled, "She is breathtaking." Aola neighed so I let her go graze until we left. Pretty soon everyone was outside and ready to go. Aola came back and we headed off on a journey that could only have two possible outcomes; Life or Death.
"So Raina. Do you and Aragorn know each other?" Gimli asked as I walked beside him. Aola was ahead of us on her own but I knew she wouldn't leave. I nodded, "Aragorn and I were actually very close during my childhood. He was one of the few people I trusted. Him and Arwen fell in love and I thought he had died a couple months ago because I never heard from him, but it turns out he was actually dealing with something far away." I explained and he smiled, "You know, you're not that bad for an elf. I'm starting to take a liking to you lass." I laughed with him and tuned to see Legolas staring at me. I blushed and looked back in front of me where Gandalf was leading the group. The hobbits were behind him and in front of us.

We decided to rest for the night since we had already traveled about 15 miles. Merry and Pippin were practicing sword fighting with Boromir while Aragorn watched. I sat next to Gandalf on a rock while Gimli ranted. "If anyone was to ask of my opinion, which I note they're not, I'd say we were taking the long way 'round. We could pass through the Mines of Moria. My cousin Balin would give us a royal welcome." He said. "No Gimli, I would not take the road through Moria unless I had no other choice." Gandalf said and continued to smoke his pipe. Legolas passed us and stood on a rock looking at something dark in the sky. I went and stood next to him, "What is that?" Sam asked. "Nothing. Just a wisp of cloud." Gimli stated. "It's moving fast. Against the wind." I said furrowing my eyebrows. Suddenly it hit me. "Crebain from Dunland!" I shouted. Everyone rushed to hide but I tripped and my leg got caught between two rocks. Legolas ran to me and helped me out before pulling me under a rock. I was literally laying on top of him with his arms wrapped around my waist and mine resting on his chest as the crebain flew by. We stared at each other panting. I then noticed how beautiful his eyes actually were. I snapped out of it when the crebain were gone and quickly jumped up form under the rock. I looked at Legolas and smiled, "Thanks for saving me back there." He smiled and nodded. I walked over to Gandalf as he started talking, "Spies of Saruman. The passage south is being watched. We must take the Pass of Caradhras."
Legolas and I walked above the snow while everyone else was a foot deep in snow. I hear commotion and turned to see Frodo falling but Aragorn catching him. He felt where the ring was but it was gone. Boromir picked it up from the snow and examined it. "Boromir." I said and he looked at me, "It is a strange fate that we suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing." I felt Legolas take a step closer to me as I put a hand on my sword. "Boromir! Give the ring to Frodo." Aragorn commanded which seemed get Boromir to snap out of it. He handed it to Frodo, "As you wish. I care not." I saw Aragorn slowly move his hand away from his sword as did I.

EDITED 08/03/15

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now