Chapter 42

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"Send word to all our allies and to every corner of Middle Earth that still stands free. The enemy moves against us. We need to know where he will strike." The wheel Saruman's body was laying on started to move and his body disappeared into the water. The Palatin fell from his robe and into the water. I watched as Pippin spotted it too and walked over. "Pippin!" I called as he neared it. He picks it up and stared at it. Gandalf rides over an holds out his hand, "Peregin Took. I'll take that my lad. Quickly now." Pippin passed Gandalf the Palatin who then wrapped it in his robe.
I smile as the familiar village of Edoras comes into view. Theoden smiled as we started to ride faster.
Eowyn hands a goblet of wine to Theoden and he stands to make a toast. Everyone stands as I stay in my spot beside Legolas, standing with his arm around my shoulder and mine of his waist. I decided to wear a dress that would match Legolas. "Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" I hesitate for a moment, thinking of Alengál and Haldir, and raise my glass cheering. May their souls be at ready now.
I sat next to Legolas with Gimli across as Eomer explained the rules of the drinking game. He passed me an ale but I shook my head and held up the one I was already drinking. I was not going to be participating in the game. Eomer explained the rules, "No pauses, no spills." "And no regurgitation!" Gimli added staring at the ale like it would be his last. "So it's a drinking game?" Legolas said and I nodded, "Last one standing wins." Gimli drinks his in one go and grabs another. Legolas carefully lifts the drink to his lips and tries the slightly bitter drink. I sigh and tilt the tankard up more so he is forced to chug. He turned to me once he finished and I winked. I noticed Eowyn make her way over to Aragorn and sighed. Her heart stands the fate of pain, for Aragorn loves another.
I was slightly tipsy as my grandfather was not of elf kind. At this point Gimli had a pile of tankards in front of him and Legolas had about 10. "Here here. Raaar it's dwarves that go swimming with little, hairy woman." Gimli burped loudly. Legolas started to stare at his fingers, "I feel something. A slight tingle in my fingers. I think it's effecting me." I giggled slightly and Eomer raises an eyebrow and Legolas' concerned voice. Gimli laughs, "What did I say? He cannot hold his liquor." Gimli's eyes suddenly crossed and he sits quietly for a moment before falling backwards. Legolas turns to me, "Game over."

I laughed and stood next to him, planting a kiss on his lips. He pulled me closer by the waist and deepened the kiss. His mouth tastes of ale but I did not mind for mine did to. I like drunk Legolas. A lot. His tongue lightly massaged mine and I moaned softly.

We continued this for a few minutes before I got pulled away and onto a table. Merry and Pippin danced around me singing and laughing. A crowd had formed and was clapping along. I laughed and watched the two hobbits danced.

"Comes from the green dragon!" They sang the last line and clinked tankards before chugging. Aragorn walked over and helped me off the table, "Have you seen Legolas?" I asked him as my feet touched the ground. He smiled and pointed over to Legolas who was conversing with Eomer. I walked over, "Hello Eomer. Would you mind if I take my beloved away?" Eomer smiled, "Not at all, Lady Raina." I linked my arm through Legolas' and lead him down to the sleeping chambers.

He was tickling my waist and I laughed trying to find our room. "Legolas, stop it." I laughed and opened the door and he followed me in. I fell onto one of the bigger cots and groaned, "I need rest." Legolas nodded and lied down next to me. He wrapped his arms around me so my chest was to his back. It did not take long for darkness to consume me.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now