Chapter 14

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I fought alongside Boromir but it seemed like each one I killed, three more would appear. I had managed to get a cut on my thigh, arm, hip, and cheek. They were not major but they still hurt as I swung my sword to deflect the attacks. I saw one sneaking up behind Boromir and quickly shot an arrow between its eyes. Boromir gave me a grateful smile but I had to turn back and fight the beasts surrounding me. Once we defeated the group surrounding us, we spotted Merry and Pippin trapped.

Boromir and I sprinted over and helped protect them from the armed creatures. The halflings took our their swords and started helping. They were actually taking down some too. I climbed onto a low tree branch and started shooting arrows as more started running down the mountain. I realized we were way outnumbered. "Boromir! The horn!" He seemed to realize what I meant and blew the horn of Gondor to signal we needed help. One problem though. It seemed to lead more of the hideous beings to us. "Run! Run!" I yelled to the hobbits as Boromir and I tried to stop the beasts from reaching them. They ran about 10ft and stopped. I signaled for them to keep going but when I saw what they were staring at, my heart dropped. A creature about 20ft up the hill from us, clearly the leader, stood aiming an arrow at Boromir. I went to go shoot him but I got shoved off the branch and fell to the ground. The horrendous soldier, that has shoved me off the branch, pinned me down but I brought my knee up to shove him off and buried my sword into his chest. I looked over and saw Boromir had two arrows planted in him by he still fought to protect the hobbits. He stared at me for a moment before getting shot with another arrow. I went to grab my bow to shoot down the leader, but saw it had been knocked out of my hands and was too far away. I grabbed my sword and fight my way to Boromir, but there were too many beasts. I felt an arrow plant itself in my thigh and screamed. I continued to fight my way to Boromir but it seemed I was only getting farther away. I continued to fight but felt myself slowly giving up. Merry and Pipping tried to defend Boromir but the army picked them up and carried them away. I watched as the leader stood in front of Boromir and pointed an arrow to his head. I managed to make it over to them and tried to swing my sword, but the leader shoved me so I he a tree and fell to the ground. I couldn't move. I closed my eyes and waited for the arrow to meet its target, but a shout was heard along with a thump. I opened my eyes and saw Aragorn fighting with the leader. The leader chucked Aragorn into a tree and threw his shield. It pinned Aragorn to the tree by the neck. The leader swung it's sword to decapitate him but Aragorn managed to squeeze his head out from the shield and land a punch to the leaders gut. the leader was clearing winning and right when I thought Aragorn's life was to be ended, Aragorn swung his sword, cut off its arm, and bury it into its chest. The leader grabbed the sword and pulled it closer to growl in Aragorn's face, Aragorn took the blade and cut off the beasts head. I crawled my way over to Boromir as he lied against a tree trunk. "Raina." He sputtered out but I put a finger to his lips, "Shh you're okay. You're gonna be fine." He shook his head and wiped away the tears that had fallen from my eyes, "I-I need you to te-tell Frodo I'm s-s-sorry." I shook my head, "Why shall I when you can? You're gonna live threw this Boromir." He shook his head, "I wish I could. Then I could beat this war and ask your had for marriage. You were the one I would've wanted to spend the rest of my life with." I smiled, "I'm here now."

Aragorn ran over and kneeled across from me. "They took the little ones." Boromir spoke through the pain. "Hold still." Aragorn said. "Frodo. Where is Frodo?" "I let Frodo go." Aragorn answered softly. "Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the ring from him." Boromir said sadly. "The ring is beyond our reach now."

"Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all." Boromir said through gasps of breath. Aragorn shook his head, "No Boromir. You fought bravely. You have kept your honor." Aragorn went to go take an arrow out but Boromir grabbed his hand, "Leave it. It is over. The world of men will fall, and all will come to darkness, and my city to ruin." Aragorn tried not to cry, "I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the White City fall, nor our people fail." I gripped Boromir's hand tightly as more tears fell. "Our people. Our people." Aragorn placed Boromir's sword is his vacant hand and put it on his chest.

I saw Legolas and Gimli run over and stop a few fear away. Legolas stared at Boromir sadly ten look at me. I didn't take my eyes off Boromir though. "I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king."

Boromir turned his head to me, "Raina. My love. I know who's heart you seek. Promise me you won't make the mistake I made and wait till you lay on your deathbed to tell them. I love you Raina." "Be at peace." I said in elvish and laid a kiss on his forehead and squeezed my eyes shut. When I pulled back, Boromir's breath and seized. He was gone.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now