Chapter 2

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"Strangers from distant lands, friends from old, you've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor," Lord Elrond started, "Middle earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. each race is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the ring Frodo." The hobbit, Frodo, stood up and placed the ring of Sauron on the pedestal. Everyone started whispering while I stared at the ring in disgust.

"So it is true," Boromir of Gondor spoke up, "A gift to the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, kept the forces of Mordor at bay. By the blood of our people, are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy. Let us use this against him."

I rolled my eyes and Aragorn spoke up, "You cannot wield it. None of use can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone. It has no other master." "And what would a Ranger know of this matter?" Boromir said with a smirk. That's it. I stood up along with another elf and glared at him, "This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn." I said. "You owe him your allegiance." The elf said.

Boromir slowly turned back to Aragorn. "Aragorn. This is Isildur's heir?" "And her to the throne of Gondor." I said. "Ĥavëlbath Legolas, Raina (Sit down Legolas, Raina." I sighed and we all took our seats. "Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king." Boromir said and I glared.

"Aragorn is right. We cannot use it." Gandalf said. Lord Elrond spoke up, "You have only one choice. The ring must be destroyed." "Then what are we waiting for?" Said a dwarf who brought his axe down on the ring. His axe shattered and he was thrown back. I noticed Frodo grab his head in pain.

"The ring cannot be destroyed by any craft that we, here, possess. The ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom. Only there can it be unmade." I said which caused everyone to look at me. "It must be taken deep into Mordor and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this." Lord Elrond said.

"One does not simply walk into Mordor. It's black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that dos not sleep, and the Great Eye is ever-watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust. The very air you breath is a poisonous fume. Not with 10,000 men could you do this. It is folly." Boromir said.

Legolas stood up again, "Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The ring must be destroyed." The dwarf from earlier spoke up, "And I suppose you think you're the one to do it!"

I closed my eyes for a moment when I felt the need to breath was becoming slightly more difficult from the corset. Aragorn sent me a look but I smiled to reassure him I'm okay but the hot sun blazing down on us was not helping.

"I will take it!" I heard Frodo yell. I looked at him in shock. "I will take the ring to Mordor. Though I do not know the way." He said and Gandalf walked over to him, "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear." He stood behind Frodo and Aragorn walked over, "If by my life or death I can protect you, I will. You have my sword." "And you have my bow." Legolas spoke up. "And my axe." The dwarf, who I now knew was Gimli, said. "You carry the fate of us all little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done."

I looked at Elrond with hope and he nodded. I slowly rose from my seat and walked gracefully over to Frodo, "I will do everything in my power in order for you to complete this quest. I will stand by you Frodo Baggins. No matter the cost." I took my spot next to Aragorn who gave my hand a squeeze.

"Hey!" Yelled a hobbit who emerged from the bush and ran to Frodo's side, "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me." I smiled at him and Elrond spoke up, "No, indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you, even when he is summoned to a secret Counsil and you are not."

I giggle a little as two other hobbits emerged from behind poles and ran over, "Wait! We're coming too! You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us." They took their spot next to Frodo as the other one spoke up, "Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of" "Well that rules you out, Pip." I giggled at the other hobbit's statement.

"Ten companions," Lord Elrond started, "So be it. You shall be the Fellowship of the Ring." "Great," Pip said, "Where are we going?" I almost laughed but then couldn't breath. I grabbed my stomach in pain. Everyone was too busy talking to notice. The last thing I saw before blacking out was Legolas catching me before I hit the ground.

EDITED 08/03/15

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