Chapter 10

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I sat on my bed without a feeling in my body. Legolas walked over and took a seat beside me. He gently laid me down and pulled a blanket over me. He went to go leave by I grabbed his hand and scooted over as if telling him to stay. I didn't wanna be alone right now. He slid under the blanket and gently pulled me closer. I buried my face into his chest and thought about Gandalf. I knew he wouldn't want me to give up like this. He'd want me to be strong. I must be strong for him. Be at peace my friend. I thought before falling into a deep slumber.
The sun shine through my eyes as I slowly awoke. When I tried to get up, it seemed a set of arms were wrapped around my waist. Legolas. He actually stayed with me.

I peeled his arms off and walked over to Aragorn who was leaning against a tree looking at the beauty Lothlórien had to offer. I stood beside him, "I fear nothing could capture its beauty besides poetry, for the real beauty is unimaginable to the human eye." He looked at me with a smile as I said this, "I see you managed to get out of the grip Legolas' arms had on you." I laughed and nudged his shoulder. Silence surround us for a few moments.

"Do you ever think of your home land?" Aragorn asked softly. I looked down and sighed, "Everyday of my life I'm afraid. I wonder what would've happened if Sauron didn't attack. I think about how maybe I'd be standing side by side with my parents in the throne room. Having someone bow to me whenever I passed. Would I love the feeling of royalty? Or would I simply wish for a life like I live now." Aragorn was silent for a moment, "You will have people bow to you one day." I stared at him, "Do I have your word?" Aragon pulled me in a hug, "You always have my word." I smiled and decided to go visit Lady Galadriel for I have not had the chance to speak with her in private.

I found her walking, "Lady Raina. It has been too long. I must say I was not surprised when I heard you had joined the fellowship. Your eagerness to put yourself in danger was always something your father and I discussed." In case you were wondering how my father and Lady Galadriel knew each other, my father was actually her brother. I am her niece.

"I remember when you would come by and I would always try to persuade you to come hunt with me." Lady Galadriel and I laughed at the memories and came across a lake all too familiar to me, "Do you remember?" She spoke softly as I looked into the crystal water. I smiled, "Of course. How could I forget the fear I had when I fell off the boat. Haldir pulled me out before I could drown. He saved me." I smiled softly at the memory. Haldir was my savior that day. I noticed the sun coming up so I bid Lady Galadriel farewell and headed back to the others. On the way, I bumped into Haldir, "May I have the privilege to escort you back to the fellowship?" He asked with a smirk. I giggled, "Why you may, kind sir." He looped his arm through mine and lead me across the stone path. "Lady Galadriel and I were exchanging old memories. On happened to come up that made me smile. It had to do with me almost drowning but my knight in shining armor saving me." Haldir smiled as we neared the fellowship, "I will always be your knight in shining armor Lady Raina."

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now