Chapter 37

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"To the keep! Pull back to he keep!" Aragorn shouted. I saw Haldir fighting two Urak-hai, "Haldir! To the keep!" He nodded.

I went to go help Aragorn but froze at what was happening in front of me. An Urak-hai managed to slice Haldir's arm very badly as he jumped in front of me to take the blow. I screamed and tried protect Haldir but a soldier accidentally shoved me down. I had to watch as another Urak-hai lifted his sword and planted it into Haldir's back. "NOOO!" I shouted and decapicated the monster.

I kneeled before him and slowly lowered him to the ground. He gripped my hand and brought it to his chest. "Rai-aina." I felt tears fa down my face as he started to cough up blood. "Shh. I'm right here Haldir. You always were one to save me." He smiled slightly and gripped my had tighter, "I was to ask for your hand in marriage after this battle. As we stood in victory." I shook my head and let out a single sob, "You cannot leave me Haldir. I've lost too many people from this war. I cannot let you be one of them." "Shh." Haldir said and placed a kiss to my hand, "I finally get to be at peace. Without all the pain and suffering. I want this." I smiled softly at him, "If you want it, Haldir, it is not my place to take it from you. Now rest." He smiled softly as slowly his grip loosened on my hand.

I shared a look with Aragorn as we both pushed a ladder down into the army below. Aragorn and I ran down to the gate and passed Theoden on the way. I stood next to Gimli, Legolas, and Aragorn as the for of us fought to defend the gate. "How long do you need?" I yelled to the King. "As long as you can give me."

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now