Chapter 38

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Aragorn pulled me and Gimli over to a hidden door. I walked out careful and saw it brought us beside the bridge. All we had to do was get over a 6 ft gap. I followed behind the two as we slowly crept closer to the corner. Aragorn peeked around and started at the beasts bashing on the gate. "Oh come on. We can take 'em." Gimli said with confidence. I stared at Gimli with raised eyebrows, "It's a long way." Gimli looked down for a moment and sighed, "Toss me." Aragorn raised an eyebrow, "What?" "I cannot jump the distance! You'll have to toss me!" Aragorn nodded as grabbed Gimli, but Gimli quickly spoke, "Don't tell the other elf." I smirked, "Not a word."

Gimli let out a battle cry as he flew over the gap, Aragon and I soon following. We all fought backs to each other trying to keep the creatures away from the gate. I decapitated three Urak-hai and once and smiled.

"Gimli! Raina! Aragorn! Get out of there!" Theoden yelled. Legolas shouted to us and threw down a rope. I shouted for Aragorn and Gimli to go first. "We cannot just leave you behind!" Aragorn shouted to me as I continued to fight the army. "JUST GO!" I yelled and did a front flip over an Urak-Hai, stabbing its head along the way. I suddenly felt a searing pain in my shoulder and screamed. An Urak-hai had managed to sneak up on me and slice open my shoulder. I quickly cut off its head and climbed on the rope that was now empty and waiting for me. Legolas pulled me over the edge and wrapped me in a hug, "Don't ever do that again."

"Fall back!" A soldier yelled as more ladders were thrown up. The gate was soon breached as well. "The castle is breached. Retreat!" I yelled as we made our way inside.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant