Chapter 41

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I rode alongside Gandalf as we approached Isengard. We came to a halt in front of two faces I have been waiting to see. "You rascals." I said jokingly as we came to a halt in front of Merry and Pippin. Merry stood as Pippin laughed, "Welcome, My lords and Lady, to Isengard!" Gimli spoke up, "You young rascals! A merry hunt you've led us on, and now we find you feasting and smoking." Pippin continued to chew while talking, "We are sitting on a field of victory, enjoying a few well earned comforts. The salted pork is particularly good." Gimli gulped, "Salted pork?" I laughed and Gandalf shook his head, "Hobbits." "We're under orders from Treebeard, who's taken over management of Isengard." Merry explained.

Gandalf lead us through the flotsam which floated across the muddied waters surrounding the tower. Treebeard stride towards us, shocking everyone but Gandalf and I. Treebeard looked at me, "Lady Raina! How nice to see your face once more." I nodded and smiled, "The same goes for you, my friend. Is tour beard getting longer?" I teased and he laughed.

He turned to Gandalf, "Young master Gandalf, I'm glad you've come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master, but there's wizard to be managed here, locked I his tower." "And there Saruman must remain, under your guard, Treebeard." Gimli shook his head at Gandalf's words, "Let's just have his head and be done with it." "No. We need him alive. We need him to talk." Gandalf explained. We all stared up at Saruman who was peering down at us asking for peace.

I blocked out their argument and looked over at Legolas. "I've heard enough. Shoot him." Legolas went to grab an arrow but I placed a hand on his arm to stop him. "No. Come down Saruman! And your life will be spared!"

"Save your pity and your mercy! I have no use for it!" Saruman shot fire at Gandalf but it did nothing, "Saruman! Your staff is broken." Saruman's wand started to act out and shattered into pieces. Suddenly Grima came up from behind Saruman. "Grima!" I yelled, "You need not follow him! You were not always as you are now! You were once a man of Rohan! Come down." Grima looked like he was about to listen but Saruman spoke, "A man of Rohan. What is the house of Rohan but a thatched bar where briggins drink in the reek?" He continued to insult Rohan and Grima seemed to be getting upset. "Grima. Come down. Be free of him." Theoden spoke. "Free? He will never be free." Grima shook his head at Saruman's words, "No." Saruman slapped him which made him fall to the ground. "Saruman! You are deep in the enemy's counsil. Tell us what you know." Gandalf spoke. Suddenly Grima stood and stabbed Saruman in the back with a dagger multiple times. Legolas and I aimed our bows at Grima and shot. Legolas' landed in his stomach and mine in his chest. He fell to the ground dead. Saruman fell from the tower and landed on a spike below. Saruman was dead.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now