Chapter 12

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"You've been awfully quiet lass. You okay?" Gimli asked as Legolas steered us down the river. I smiled, "I'm fine. It's just hard leaving Lothlórien. Lady Galadriel is the only family I have left." Gimli nodded and pat my shoulder, "Well you got us now. Who knows, maybe when this is all over, you can visit me. I'd love to show you the homelands. Maybe I can even set 'ya up with one of my cousins. I think Dámr-" We all stopped talking and looked up at the most gorgeous site to ever come across our eyes. The Argonath. My father and I took me to visit these statues once since they were fairly close to my home. If we were here, that means Bĥaatün was only 4 miles northeast.

"The Argonath. The Kings of old. Their beauty grows each passing day." I said. Legolas sent me a smile and I felt my heart flutter. We all admired the structures as we continued our path down the river. We approached a waterfall and turned out boats to shore. I bent over to grab my belongings but felt someone shove me off. Thank God I hadn't grabbed my bag or else the letter would've been soaked. I emerged from the water glaring at Gimli and Legolas, who were laughing on the boat. I took the oar out of Legolas' hand and hit them so they both fell. After we continued splashing each other, we finally pulled the boat to the shore that was only about 10ft away and took out our bags. I placed mind under a tree and sat by the fire, trying to dry off. I hung off my cloak and set to to dry beside the fire. Rummaging through my bag, I pulled out some brown leather trousers and a green shirt. I put on my cuffs, belt that went around my hips and thigh, placed my weapons in the right places, and put my hair back. Once I finished, I walked back to the groups view since I had left to change. I saw Legolas had pretty much dried off while Gimli was grumbling about how he was cold. I sat next to Legolas on a log. "We cross the lake at nightfall. Hide the boats, and continue on foot. We approach Mordor from the north. " Aragon said as he finished taking items off the boats. "Oh yes?" Gimli started, "Just a simple matter of finding our way through Emyn Muil, an impossible labyrinth of razor sharp rocks? And after that, it gets even better. Festering, stinking marshlands..." I stopped listening and went to Legolas who had walked away and was now looking into the forest. "Do you sense the darkness that lay beneath the trees?" I asked looking around. He nodded an I followed him over to Aragorn, "We should leave now." Legolas said but Aragorn shook his head, "No. Orcs patrol the eastern shore. We must wait for cover of darkness." I frowned and looked into the forest once more, "It is not the eastern shore that worries us. A shadow and a threat has been growing in my mind. Something draws near. I can feel it." Aragorn looked at me for a moment before frowning as Merry spoke, "Where's Frodo?" I looked around and furrowed my eyebrows, "Where's Boromir?"

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now