Chapter 23

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"My lord, Gandalf the Grey is coming. He's herald of woe." I heard the lake man, who I now learned to be Grima, say softly to King Theoden. I noticed a group of mean slowly walking near the wall not taking their eyes off of us. "The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Theoden King." Gandalf spoke as we walked closer. I wiggle my wrist and ankle a by to feel the blades hidden under clothing.

"Why should I welcome you, Gandalf Stormcrow?" The King spoke and I cringed at the emptiness and darkness that lay in his voice. Grima stood up and started to speak as he walked towards us. "Late is the hour, in which this conjuror chooses to appear. Lathspell I name him. I'll news is an ill guest." He now stood in front of Gandalf. "Silence. Keep your forked tongue behind your teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm." Gandalf lifted his staff slightly and Grima took a step back, "His staff. I told you to take the wizard's staff." The men from earlier ran over to Gandalf but Legolas and I quickly moved in front him. Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, and I fought the men as Gandalf made his way to Theoden. I let the blade from my wrist slide into my hand and started fighting off a guard that had his sword out.

"Theoden, son of Thengel, too long have you sat in the shadows." Gandalf spoke. Grima tried to stand up but I ran over and placed my foot on his chest, pointing my blade at him, "I would stay still if I were you, snake." I hissed at him. "Hearken to me! I release you from the spell." Saruman chuckled darkly, "You have no power here, Gandalf the Grey." Gandalf dropped his grey coat to reveal himself glowing white. Saruman gasped and got pushed back into his throne. "I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound." Gandalf moved his staff forward which caused Saruman to get pushed back once more. A woman can into the room and tried to run over, but Aragorn stopped her. "If I go, Theoden dies." Gandalf pushed him back with his staff again, "You did not kill me. You will not kill him." "Rohan is mine." Saruman spat. "Be gone." Gandalf said. Saruman lunged but Gandalf pushed him back into his throne with the invisible force again.

Gandalf stood panting as we watched Theoden turn back to normal. The woman ran over and knelt next to him. He looked at her, "I know your face. Eowyn." He turned back to us, "Gandalf?" Gandalf smiled, "Breathe the fresh air again, my friend." He stood from his throne and turned to me next, "Lady Raina?" I bowed my head and smiled at him, "It is an honor to be in your presence once more my king." He smiled at me, "Dark has been my dreams of late." I smirked, "Your fingers would remember their old strength better if they grasped your sword." We all watched as Theoden picked up his sword and stared at it. Grima tried moving but I jus put more pressure on his chest. Theoden suddenly turned to glare at the creature beneath me.

I watched from Legolas' side as Theoden threw Grima down the front steps. "I've only ever served you, my lord." Grima pleaded. "Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!" Theoden said angry stepping towards him. "Send me not from your sight." Theoden raised his sword but I quickly ran down and placed my hand in his arm, "No, my lord. Enough blood has been spilt on his account." Theoden looked at me for a moment before nodding slowly. I put a hand out to Grima but he spat on it. Legolas went to make a movie but I placed my clean hand on his chest. Grima stood up and ran and climbed onto Aola. I tried not to laugh as he made her gallop but she quickly came to a halt so he flung off her saddle. "That's my girl." I whispered with pride. Grima quickly stood and ran from the town.

"Hail Theoden King!" Someone shouted as we all bowed to him. He smiled and looked around, "Where is Theodred? Where is my son?"

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now