Chapter 11

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We all stood in front of Lady Galadriel as she gave us parting gifts.

"Farewell, Frodo Baggins. I give you the light of Earendil, our most beloved star, Namárie. May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out." She kissed him on the forehead and moved on. She made it to Legolas and I, "Lady Raina of Bĥaatün. My beloved niece. My gift to you is one your father was to give you in your wedding day, but I feel now is more appropriate," She pulled out a beautiful bow made from oak. It curled slightly at the ends and had engravings all get it like vines. In slime places of the vines, small crystals were placed. It was magnificent. "You father crafted it himself. It's named Alrïnetá. He left it with me for safe keeping and told me to give you this letter with it." She passed me an envelope with my name scribbled on top in a gorgeous way. I took it and put it in my bag. "Thank you." She smiled and pulled me into a hug.

Lady Galadriel turned to Legolas, "Prince Legolas of Mirkwood. Your gift is similar to Raina's. You see, Alrïnetá is actually a twin of the bow Ênovàmö. Her father, Lord Mēhadöta, crafted this bow to give to her husband. Since I'm giving them now instead of her wedding day, I believe you should have it. I trust you'll take great care of it." She passed Legolas a boy similar to mine but it didn't have any crystals and instead of vines, it was birds. It was beautiful. "Thank you Lady Galadriel." Legolas spoke in elvish.

The fellowship started putting all our supplies into the boats as I went over to Lady Galadriel. "I did not give him that bow just as a parting gift. I gave him it hoping it will help you both see the true admiration you have for him. His eyes twinkle with love when he sees you, as do yours. The bows are a wedding gift Raina. Just an early one." I looked away from her and blushed a deep red. Yes I loved Legolas, but we were in the middle of a war. I could not rush getting distracted by love. I gave her one last hug goodbye and hopped into the boat Legolas and Gimli were occupying. "Hello lass! That bow truly is a beauty." Gimli said looking a the bow that was now resting in my hands. I passed it to him sat thinking about what Lady Galadriel had said.

May we see each other after the war my dear niece. I looked at where lady Galadriel was waving and nodded as an answer to her message.

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now