Chapter 52

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"Raina!" Legolas shouted and I turned to him. He shot the arrow that was strung and turned to me, "Will you marry me?" I widened my eyes but recovered fast enough to slice off the head of an oncoming Orc. "I don't think nows the best time!" We continued to fight as he spoke, "Now may be the only time!" Legolas grabbed my arm and pulled me close, "I love you. I've made my choice. What's yours?"

We pulled away and continued fighting. I looked at Gimli who was a few yards away, "Gimli! Marry us!" I remember him mentioning that he was able to marry people. Gimli cut off an orcs head and turned to us, "I'm a little busy at the moment!" Legolas strung an arrow and shot an Orc that was behind me, "Gimli! Now!"

Gimli groaned and started to make his way closer to us, "Dearly beloved..." He cut off orcs heads as he spoke, "we be gathered her today to bail your gizzards to the mast, you poxy cut." Three orcs suddenly approached Gimli.

Legolas pulled me close, "Raina Bellasiel, do you take me to be your husband?" I smiled widely, "I do!"

We pulled away and continued to slash orcs as I spoke, "Legolas Greenleaf, do you take be your sickness and in health...with health being the less likely?" Legolas stabbed an Orc and pulled me closer once again, "I do." Gimli roared and emerged from the orcs, "I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss..." Gimli killed an oncoming Orc, "You may kiss..." another Orc approached.

"JUST KISS!" Legolas spun me around and kissed me with so much passion my knees went weak. I pulled him closer and savoured the moment before pulling away and continuing to fight. We're married now.
I watched in amazement as the Eagles flew over us and started attacking the Nazguls. The we suddenly pointed to mount doom and the Nazguls headed over. I saw a troll approaching me and charged. I managed to slice it's leg but the gash didn't slow the beast down. It swung its spiked club and a spike managed to imbed itself in my side. I ignored the pain and continued to fight the troll.

I climbed up its arm skilfully and planted my sword in its head. The creature swayed for a moment before falling to the ground. I landed on my feet and started to fight some oncoming orcs. I could feel myself getting slightly lightheaded but It was soon forgotten as I watched Sauron's eye begin to crumble and Mount Doom erupted. The remainder of the back army ran away and the Eagles flew to the mountain.

Frodo and Sam did it. They destroyed the ring. That was the last thing I heard before I blacked out from my injury.

Legolas' POV
I smiled with joy and looked around for Raina. Only I couldn't find her. My eyebrows furrowed in concern and started searching around more frantically, "Raina?! RAINA!" I yelled multiple times.

Aragorn, Gimli, and I started searching through the many bodies. I head Gimli shouted a few hundred feet away from me, "I got 'er. She's still breathing!" I sprinted over and picked Raina up, careful not to touch her injury. I held her in my arms as I sprinted to go find someone who could save her. Someone who could save my wife.

((OMG THEY'RE MARRIED!!! ❤️ I stole the scene from Pirates of the Caribbean with Will and Elizabeth because I felt it would be so perfect. Plus it's Orlando bloom so it works. I wonder what will happen to Raina?)

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now