Chapter 7

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"Let me risk a little more light." Gandalf made his staff brighter and we all looked around in shock. Rows upon rows of pillars surrounded us. "Behold the great realm and dwarf-city of Dwarrowdelf." Gandalf said. "Well there's an eye opener, and no mistake." Same said breathless. We continued walking till suddenly Gimli gasped and ran into a room. Gandalf shouted after him but Gimli continued running. We ran and saw him crouching in front of a cement coffin. "Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria." I rested a hand on Gimli's shoulder as he continued to weep. "He is dead, then. It's as I feared." Gandalf stopped talking and picked up an old book. "We must move on. We cannot linger." Legolas said to Aragorn and I. Gandalf began to read, "They have taken the bridge and the second hall. We have barred the gates but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums, drums in the deep. We cannot get out. A shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out. They are coming." A loud crash suddenly emerged from behind Gandalf and we all turned to see pippin looking guilty. Suddenly the body of the skull that'd fallen into the well fell too. Next went the bucket. I winced at each bang it made. "Fool of a Took. Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity." Gandalf yanked his staff and hat from Pip's hands. Suddenly rumbling could be heard followed by drums. It slowly became louder. "Frodo!" Sam said and looked at Frodo's now blue sword. "Orcs." I said and ran with Boromir and Aragorn to go shut the door. I looked out and two arrows landed right next to my head. "Get back! Stay close to Gandalf." Aragorn said as we closed the doors. I sighed and smile sarcastically, "They have a cave troll." Legolas passed us axes to barricade the doors with. I stood next to Legolas and he gave me a look as if to tell me to be careful. Gimli roared and climbed onto the casket, "Let them come! There is one dwarf left in Moria who still draws breath." Legolas, Aragorn, and I all stringed our bows and aimed at the door. The door moved and holes were made from the orcs' weapons. We shot our arrows through the gaps and hit our targets. I kept shooting till the door opened and orcs piled in. I put my bow away and grabbed my sword, swinging at multiple orcs' heads. One tried to hit my stomach but I blocked it and cut its head off. The next Orc came and managed to slice my arm a little but I quickly stabbed him in the heart. I glanced at the cut and saw it was only 5cm long and about 1cm deep. No big deal. I heard Gandalf and the hobbits let out a battle cry and charge. Those little ones sure were brave. I sliced another orcs neck and spotted the cave troll storm inside and head straight for Sam. Sam thankfully dodged the attack and ran off to the other hobbits that were now hiding behind a wall. I through my sword and it buried itself into the beast's stomach. Gimli and I jumped away as it swung it's club in our direction but ended up hitting a few orcs. Legolas stringed two arrows and shot at the cave troll but it did nothing. Legolas and I fought side by side when suddenly the cave troll swung it's chain at us. We both ducked it swung it's chain again, but this time it wrapped around a pillar. Legolas stepped on it and nodded at me. I climbed the chain and stood on its head before shooting an arrow through its skull. The creature started thrashing and trying to grab me so I jumped but my leg got caught in it's chain. I reached down and tried to untangle it but it wouldn't budge. The cave troll suddenly swung the chain which cause me to get loose but get flung into a wall. I screamed as my head made the impact but quickly got up as more orcs approached me. I grabbed a nearby axe from a skeleton and started fighting again. My vision was getting slightly blurry as blood was getting in my eye. I finally got through the orcs around me and ran over to Frodo who now was trying to hide from the cave troll. I almost it made it but I was too late. I watched the troll bury a spear into Frodo's stomach. I screamed, "Frodo!" Merry and Pippin yelled and jumped onto its head, stabbing it's skull and shoulders. It flung Merry off and he groaned in pain. Legolas and I both planted an arrow into its neck and it swayed before falling. I heard Sam yelling so I quickly ran over and crouched down beside Frodo. Suddenly he gasped. "I'm all right. I'm not hurt." I looked at him in shock, "You should be dead. That spear would've skewered a wild boar." Gandalf chuckled, "I think there's more to this hobbit than meets the eye." Frodo unbuttoned his shirt and showed us what was hiding underneath ,"Mithril." I whispered. "You are full of surprises master Baggins." Gimli said with a laugh.

EDITED 17/03/15

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن