Chapter 47

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Legolas gently intertwined our hands as we followed Aragorn through the cold and weary darkness. Aragorn holds out his torch and looks around. I have on of my blades in my free hand just in case anything happens. Aragorn points the torch somewhere and it reveals a pile of many human skulls on the floor. Aragorn moves on but Legolas and I continue to stare. "What is it? What do you see?" Gimli asks us. "I see shapes of men. And of horses." I say. "Where?" Gimli asks. We continue to walk as Legolas speaks, "Pale banners like spreads of cloud. Spears rise like winter thickets through a shroud of mist. The dead are following. They have been summoned." Aragorn's eyes widen slightly and Gimli looks behind him, "The dead? Summoned? I knew that! Huh. Huh. Very good. Very good." I realized we had left him and pretty soon I hear Gimli shout, "Legolas!"

Legolas does not let go of my hand as we look at the ghostly hands reaching at us. Gimli tried blowing and wafting them away and I hold in my laugh. I turn back to Aragorn to see him almost gag, "Do not look down." Out of instinct, I look down and see human skulls littering the floor. I close my eyes as we slept walk across the skulls and they crack under our feet. We quickly run from the room and turn a corner to see an open space with a large building. We look around the place and a raspy voice fills the air, "Who enters my domain?"

We turn around to see the king of the Dead standing before us "One who will have your allegiance." I felt Legolas pull me closer so our sides were now brushing. "The dead do not suffer the living to pass." The King said. "You will suffer me!" Aragorn demanded and the King laughs. His army then appears around us. "The way is shut. It was made by those who are dead. And the dead keep it. The way is shut! Now you must die." Legolas let go of my hand and shot an arrow but it passes straight through the Kings head and clattered to the ground. Aragorn stepped towards him, "I summon you to fulfill your oath!"

The King stormed towards Aragorn as he spoke, "None but the King of Gondor may command me!" The King swings his sword at Aragorn but he quickly holds up the bald that was broken and deflects it. "That blade was broken!" "It has been remade." Aragorn catches the throat of the King and pushes him back, "Fight for us and regain your honor. What say you?" He looked at the dead army, walking through them, "What say you?"

Gimli spoke up, "Ach! You waste your time Aragorn. They had no honor in life and they have none now in death." Aragorn ignored him, "I am Ilsidur's heir. Fight for me and I will hold your oaths fulfilled. What say you?" The King laughs once more an his army starts to fade away. "You have my word! Fight and k will release you from this living death." They disappear but Aragorn continues, "What say you?" I place a hand on his shoulder and Gimli shouts, "Stand you traitors!" There was a cracking slid and the walls of the building begin to collapse. Hundreds of human skulls fall towards us. "Out!" Aragorn yells.

We begin to try climbing over the skulls but begin to slide off towards the cliff with them. We somehow manage to escape and run from the mountain. I breath in the fresh air as I attempt to catch my breath. I look to what Aragorn is staring at at see many Orc ships sailing across the water with a burning village near them. They were heading to Gondor. Legolas slowly wrapped an arm around me waist and I leaned into him slightly. Aragorn fell to his knees as he felt like he failed and I sighed. It was not his fault. The King of the Dead suddenly appears and Aragorn stands up as the King speaks, "We fight!"

The Prince Of My Heart *Legolas LOTR* ~Completed~ #wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now