You're A Dream!

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Hey all so I have attatched my most recent video I made so I would like for you to check that out and commet below if you liked it or any changes or things I could work on :)

Thanks in advance :D


Clara POV (High-school age 17)

As the school bell rang I dashed out of class before the teacher even got a chance to say that we could leave. I couldn't handle maths. Hated it even. I met up with my friends Jessica, Kate and Aubrey. They were pretty cool girls but the one thing that's killing me right now is their stories. Stories about the Doctor. Everyday whenever we meet up its 

"That bow tie though"

"He's super cute"

"Time travel is so cool"

Blah, blah, blah. I don't believe in him. I just believe that all three of them just so happened to have the same dream one night. We all sat down in the cafeteria with trays of food. My favourite time of day (A/N aww now I'm hungry).

"So did you know that the doctor has two hearts?" said Jessica through a mouthful of mashed potato.

"Yeah his heart beats are double ours, like they go in fours" said Kate clearly excited 

"Clara?" said Aubrey


"Do you know him?"

"Umm Aubrey, she doesn't believe in him" whispered Jessica from across the table

"Why don't you, he's out there saving civilizations and planets"

"Oh yeah, well why don't he rescue me from this crap whole?" I said gesturing to the school

"oh well, i uhh"

"Look I need to go I'll catch up later?"

Everyone nodded in unison.


I got to the elevator at our apartment block and went to my room. I threw my bag down on my bed. I'd had 4 missed calls from each of my friends. I never pick up because all they talk about is the Doctor. I swing myself onto my bed and I heard a knock on my door. My door opened and showed my Mum (a/n Okay, okay I made it where her parents split up and the Mum didn't die. Okay?)

"Hey honey, you alright?"

"If you call a whole day of talking about 'the Doctor'" I used air annotations to exagerate.

"Then sure I'm totally okay" I roll over onto my side with my back facing my Mum

"Maybe you should at least try to believe them. Because you know he might be real" My mum believed in him too which drives me mad.

"I try but TWO HEARTS come on nobody has that many hearts. And bow ties! Who wears them anymore?!" I massaged my temples in frustration. My Mum came over and hugged me.

"Okay okay I see your point. It's a bit difficult to believe. Can you do the laundry please we're having a very special guest over for dinner and I want to start cooking."

"Okay mum" I smiled at her and she walked out of my room closing the door behind her. I pick myself off of my bed and got the laundry basket from the bathroom. I took the elevator down because I didn't feel like going down a few flights of stairs. This laundry is shared by all the people who live here so it's their responsibility to keep it clean. I meet so many interesting and cool people here. Like the old woman down the hall, her husband was in the Opera. I loved opera, (the music) I don't know why. Mum and Dad don't like it and I have never really known my grandparents. As I walk towards the laundry room I absent mindedly mimicked what was said today.

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Where stories live. Discover now