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This chapter is based on the song 'Trouble' by coldplay. Also this is a sneak peek on my upcoming doctor who video I'm nowhere near done. So uhh yeah. This is sort of the Doctor saying to Clara sorry for causing trouble and stuff. Not giving out too much. If you are a hardcore shipper of this ship (like me) the feels might be a bit......well you'll understand.....maybe.....idk THIS IS WITH 12!!



Doctor POV

Guilt. Guilt was all I felt now. Not just from Gallifrey but for Clara. It felt like I carried thousands of pounds on my back. She would never understand how much I have sacrificed for her. A hand is waved in front of my face and I shake my head out of my trance.

"Ever since you regenerated, you've been in like a brooding mood. Spill" I was in Clara's apartment for some reason. I couldn't remember. She hands me a cup of what seemed like tea and she sits in her chair across from me, quietly sipping on her tea in a mug that was similar to the one I was holding.

"Do you ever think back to the person you used to be and think why did I do that?" I say shooting her a confused look. She seems like I caught her off guard but she relaxes again.

"Well, Of course I do. Everyone does. Whether it be horrible first dates, and trust me I've had a few of those" she says raising her eyebrow at me

"Why do you ask?" She asks curious yet worried at the same time

"Have you ever thought that you have somewhat ruined a person's life and that you wish you could take it all back?"

"Geeze you're full of interesting questions. And to answer it, I do. Why?"

"Say you did something, horrible and you wanted to say sorry. How would you do it?"

"Do what. Say sorry?"

"Yes" I say simply looking down at my feet.

"Well depends y-"

"I need to go to the bathroom" I cut Clara off and leave. I wasn't going to the bathroom I was going to create a note. To say sorry and I'm going to leave her here so I won't cause her anymore trouble and she can live a normal life.

She's always said how much she likes having a quiet day at home and has often said that I always interrupt so why not. I was in battle in my mind. Trying to figure out what to do. Do I leave? No! She'll hate you even more than she does now. Do it! She needs a normal life, like all of the pudding brain humans on this planet I seriously didn't know what to do.

I go up the stairs and look down at Clara who is reading a book, snuggling in front of the fireplace calm, happy. The way she should be, the way she should have been if I didn't ruin her life.

I quickly make a left turn into her room and find a few stationary items. You know pens, paper the lot. My mind whizzes trying to think of what to say. I wrote with what my past regeneration 11 would have done. But the problem is that 11 wouldn't leave her behind like this. He loved her and I'm the same man and I do have tiny feelings for her but not in that way. Ugh. I rub my eyes with my hands frustrated with myself.

I sigh in defeat and man up. I grab a pen and a notepad and scribble down some writing.

I quickly finish and I make my way downstairs and I stealthily place the nicely folded up note on the counter in the kitchen and I make my way to Clara.

"Sorry Clara, have to go. I forgot I had to do something. Later" I quickly make my way to the TARDIS.

Clara POV

That was strange. Ever since he regenerated into a new face, new him it seemed, he's been in a brooding, deep thought mood. He just sits around and dozes out all the time in deep thought. It was strange, seemed familiar. I sigh as he dashes out. Typical I think to myself. I stand up and decide to wash my mug and do some marking in my room. After I finish cleaning a small piece of white paper catches my eye. Probably just a bill I think to myself. Might as well check just in case. I notice the handwriting almost instantly. It was the Doctor's. It was a nice, perfect cursive almost old style writing. The front read: Clara I shrug my shoulders and decide Why the hell not. It's from the Doctor. What's the worst that can happen?

I open the letter and it seemed long. I sat back down in front of the fireplace and begin to read.

Dearest Clara,

I'm writing to you to let you know how sorry I am. I am sorry for everything. Knowing you, you'd want to know why. Ever since I regenerated you've been off and I can't help but think it's all my fault and I'm tearing myself up just thinking about it. I feel like you've been grieving and that you aren't happy with the new me. I'm not different Clara, just a different face. Same heart same brain. I shouldn't have invited you to stay. I have ruined all your chances at a normal life and I decided that now be the best time.

I'm sorry for the trouble I cause. And I never meant to cause you trouble, and I never meant to do you wrong

~The Doctor

I wipe the tears that escaped and rolled down my cheeks. It was true I was grieving but I didn't think of him any differently. I understood where he was going but this is all just a misunderstanding. All of it. I hated having a normal life. I stand up instantly and find myself looking out the window. No TARDIS. He ran off I guess. I sigh.

Hey, yeah I'M NOT DEAD. Yay! Don't kill me I haven't been updating because I've been having a lot of personal issues going on lately and it's been killing my happy mood. Some of which I think is some sort of minor depression. I really don't know but also I got sick again so it took me a few days to get back on my feet. I missed a fair bit of school so I also had to catch up and ERGH. So much stress. The struggle is real guys. Anyways I'll be trying to catch up in my writing and try to get all my books updated and ticked off for this week. Sorry for such a long wait and I really appreciate everybody's support. I love you guys so much and I'll see you soon! <3 oh and I promise a more fluffy chapter next !

~Whoufflesweetie <3

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