Come, Fly Away With Me

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Come, fly away with me

This is sort of another way The Doctor could have met Clara or asked her to travel with him. I found this idea a sort of cute/fluffy chapter. So uhhh yeah enjoy!

Clara POV

I stand up and pick up a whiteboard marker. I start to quickly write up some quotes on the board. I liked to write an inspirational quote before the kids leave from the classroom to lunch or home. I got myself a job as a teacher. The only thing I could basically qualify for. Sure it has its down days and I hate it but there's something about teaching that I enjoy. I like giving valuable knowledge to the children. That is if they're paying attention and not drawing in their notepad or sleeping. That has happened on a few encounters.

I look up at the clock. It read: 1:20pm. Recess would be held in 5 minutes. I rack my brain for some nice, inspiring quotes. I smile and start to write one up. The class hushes as I write it up.

"We should stop arguing about what a good man should be. Be one. Marcus Aurelius" the bell rings and the children pack up their belongings. I liked that quote. About a good man.  A few students read it and smile and the rest just walk out. I sigh and begin to pack my stuff up. I was in the classroom next to the one I'm in now so I didn't have to go far. I begin to wipe the whiteboard free of pen markings when I hear it. The sound of something I couldn't pin point. It was a strange noise. I couldn't describe it to anybody who asked. It was some sort of wheezing, mechanical kind of noise. My hair was flying all over my face. I sigh, in a huff. But I come to the realisation that the windows were closed and the trees outside were dead still. That's funny I say to myself.

I look up in the corner of the classroom and see a royal blue, police box. I scrunch my face up in confusion and I shrug it off. Probably a kid's art project I think to myself. I pick up my bag and begin to walk out. Then I hear the door open. I look back at the police box and see the door open and a man stepping out. He had brown floppy hair, red bow tie, purple coat and red suspenders on underneath. Bit old style.

"Hello?" I say

"Is this some sort of a trick? A trap?" I say to the man. The man looks at me and smiles.

"Are you Clara Oswald? Like Clara Oswin Oswald?" he sounds fascinated

"Just Clara....What was the middle one?" I say quickly.

"I've found you. After light years and light years I've found you" he puts his hands on his head and laughs

"I'm sorry what?!" I say breaking the noise so now it was silent. As if it were an awkward silence.

"Clara Oswald, you don' don't remember me" he sounds disappointed

"No I'm sorry, I have never seen you in my life. And with that dress sense I would have. Oh and that chin" I say looking at him funny

"What about it?" he defensively puts his hand on his chin. I giggle.

"What's your name?" I ask

"The Doctor, you can call me the Doctor" he says proudly

"The Doctor? Doctor who?"

"No just the Doctor, dangerous question" he says smirking

"What's wrong with danger?" I ask. The Doctor walks over to my desk and picks up one of my books I accidentally left on the desk.

"101 places to see" he flipped through the book and picks up an old brown, leaf.

"Please don't touch that, it's a-It's a family thing" he does as he is told and puts the leaf back in the front page of the book

"You haven't seen any of these have you?" he looks at me sadly

"No, I was going to travel, I was staying at a friend's house until I left but in that week the mother died of cancer. I felt bad so I stayed behind and looked after the kids"

"Like a nanny" he says

"Don't take this the wrong way but, you don't seem much like a nanny" he says. I take the book from his hands and put it back into my bag.

"Look I have to go, I have a class to go to"

"Travel with me" he says as I open the classroom door

"I'm sorry, what did you just say?"

"Travel with me" he says in the same tone

"I just met you, why would I travel with you?" he takes my hand and slips a silver key into it.

"Because It'll be a trip of a lifetime and I reckon it's gonna be a whopper" he smiles

"I have a class to go, I'll think about it"


It was the last class of the day and the bell rings. The students write their homework down into their planners/diaries and walk off.

"Bye Miss Oswald" says a few kids

"Have a good afternoon" I reply, I pack my bag. I see a shine and I look back down at the desk. A few stray students walk out of the classroom.

I pick up the key and grin. I make my way out of the classroom and walk into the classroom with the box. Silently hoping that it was still there. Sure enough it was. I smile. The door was closed but I open the door. It was unlocked. I quietly close the door behind me. The Doctor was sitting on the steps with a book in his hands, reading.

"So he comes back does he? The man and the blue box" I say crossing my arms

"You came back?" He said surprised

"Why would I miss an adventure?" I say smiling

"You didn't do the thing" He whines, I laugh

"What thing?" He said nothing and he looks up at the ceiling and around him

"It's – It's bigger on the inside" he smiles widely

"It's the TARDIS, that's T-A-R-D-I-S. Stands for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space."

He pulls a lever and the TARDIS shakes and tosses around

Hey all! Hope you enjoyed! I quickly wrote this in a maths lesson....whoops.

A bit rough towards the end because well.....I hate endings

OH OH OH also can you please help me out and read my BRAND NEW sequel to The Souffle Love Story it is named The Life of Arianna Smith. Thanks :3


Have a fantastic day!


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