Searching And Finding

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Okay. Let's do this :) This has a few lines/plots? from the Christmas Special (The one with River. It was AMAZING)

So the idea i had was that this somewhat takes place after 11 regenerated (but pretend Clara didn't know) and she's looking for the Doctor and ends up finding 12 mistaking him for a surgeon (We'll name him John for now) (Same plot as the xmas special) And pretty much she finds out (during the story)

So pretty much Clara is River (like river never existed. Does this make sense?)

Okay. *Exhales*



Clara POV

The cyborg stood tall in front of the surgeon and I. I really wasn't expecting this night to take this turn. I had no idea on how to get out of the situation. I was only looking to get rid of my husband's head......well...not exactly. But what was I supposed to do. Flemming was playing around with the diary he had stolen off me. I was trying to figure out a way in which the surgeon and I could exit....well we could exit....with the risk of getting shot to millions of pieces. I'd rather have the one hundred billion credits than be blown to smithereens on the floor. He smiled.

"The diary of Clara Oswald. The ultimate guide to the Time lord known as the Doctor." he tuts. Why would they be looking for him? I think to myself. "Don't you dare touch that!" I yell angrily, not going for him in case of being blown to bits. "Long live the king" Flemming says. Then the ship flew through some debris, everyone holding onto something so they don't fall, while Flemming was pacing up and down reading through my diary, grinning at some parts. "The Pandorica Opens. Ohh. That sounds exciting. And goodness me, a picnic at Asgard. Some people really know how to snack don't they?" "You should know I have a significant history of escaping" I say cockily, smiling. "The Crash of the Byzantium. Didn't they make a movie of that?" He cocks his head towards me. "And when I do, I'm going to kill you." I say angrily. "Ohm Jim the Fish!" He laughs to himself. "Well, we all know Jim the Fish" "And the longer you spend reading my diary, the longer I'm going to take" "And you've just been to Manhattan. What planet is that?" He looks at me funnily. I frown. "This is irrelevant" the cyborg says in a deep, robotic voice.

"If I may intrude your Majesty. The Doctor is a legendary being of remarkable power and an infinite number of faces. His head, i assure you, would be your crowning achievement" Scratch says stepping forward. Flemming taps the cyborg. "Besides which, many of us on this ship would be happy to see his career cut off, as it were, at the neck" "Proceed faster, or your head will be taken" The cyborg says loudly. "This woman is the known consort of the Doctor" Flemming says pointing a finger towards me. "Confirmation required. Uploading" The Cyborg brings up a head. It's Nardole's. "Nardole" I say quietly under my breath. Only quiet enough for myself to hear and nobody else. "Is Clara Oswald the consort of the Time Lord known as the Doctor?" The Cyborg asks. "Huh? I think so, yeah. Here, can I stay up for a bit? It's really very whiffy down there" Then like that his head is lowered into the cyborg again. "So where is the Doctor now?" Flemming asks looking at me. "I haven't the faintest idea" I say smiling sadly. "Is that credible?" he asks. "It's true" "You're the woman he loves" He says like it's obvious. "No, I'm not" "She's lying!" Flemming says frustrated. "The Doctor does not and has never loved me. I'm not lying" i say loudly. The Cyborg scans me. "Confirmed. The life form is not lying"

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