Wait.....I have a what??? (Part 1)

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--Clara’s POV--


I woke up and my brain quickly analyzed where I was. I remember now, I am in the TARDIS. I had agreed to stay with the Doctor for a few days because he was lonely and wanted somebody to be with. I grin and sluggishly make my way out of bed and attempted to take a shower. I put my wet hair up in a bun and added a cute white bow tie in my hair. (I guess the Doctor has had a teensy bit of an influence on me). I put on a lavender coloured crop top and some black jeans. I added black flats on. I make my way to the console room where I found the Doctor staring at the screen, colour washed away from his face.

“Doctor? What’s wrong?” I ask making my way to him

“N-nothing. Really” He assured me

“Well it doesn’t look like nothing”

As I walked towards him he quickly moved to the opposite side of me taking the screen with him. I ran towards him getting annoyed. Again he moved to the opposite side of me and took the screen with him.

“What is so important that I can’t see?” I ask getting annoyed

“Nothing, it-it’s time-lord stuff. Yeah time-lord stuff. You wouldn’t understand”

“Doctor. I was torn into a million pieces, a million versions of me, scattered across your time stream. I’ve been with you for a thousand years I think I can understand time-lord stuff”

“True….” He trailed off at the end

The Doctor stared down at his hands distracted and I took this chance to see what he was up to. I quickly dashed to the screen and tore it from his hands. I ran to the opposite side of him.

“Hey! Give that back” The Doctor looked like he was a three year old whose toys got taken away from him.

“No” The Doctor looked more serious this time.

I stared at the screen and saw a bunch of statistics and what seemed like samples. Samples of DNA.

“Doctor? What is this?”

“A DNA scan”

“Why would you want a DNA scan?” The Doctor again stares at his hands playing with his fingers with a nervous look on his face. He cleared his throat.

“Type in ‘DNA scan results”

I brought the screen to the keyboard and did as I was told. I was amazed by what the result was.

“Doctor? Why does it say you’re my brother?”

“Because it’s true. Turns out that you and I are siblings.”

I let go of the screen and step back. Trying to wrap my head around what I just found out.

“Why would you want to know anyway?” I ask curiously

“I went to this planet named Wrathalong while you were asleep and I met a fortune teller and she said that I will find a long lost family member.”

“A fortune teller? Seriously? They are fake, they just want money”
“No Clara. This is Wrathalong we are talking about. It is a planet of fortunetellers and they have a truth spell casted onto them. And they say that they are always 100% correct. Turns out they are.”

“So you thought that I would make a perfect volunteer to do a DNA test on?”

“Why yes” He had a big smile plastered onto his face

“How did you even get a bit of DNA from me anyway. I don’t remember even agreeing to this.” At this point I had hands on my hips with a sassy look on my face.

“Well, turns out you are a pretty deep sleeper. Just look at your thumb on your left hand”

I look down at my left hand and notice a scar from what must’ve appeared when the Doctor took a blood test from; to be honest it still stung.

“So you crept into my room, took blood out of my hand and walked out feeling good. You do realize that’s creepy right?”

“Look I’m sorry okay? It was a bad thing and I shouldn’t have done what I did but the test is true. Just accept the fact. Please for me?”

I didn’t say anything, I just walked over to him and gave him a punch on his left arm and hugged him. I heard him wince from the sudden hug. I quickly realized that I was hugging him a bit too tight so I let go and hugged him for lightly.

“This is going to be awkward when I tell me parents” I say

I look up at his face and the colour was yet again washed from his face and his eyes nearly popping out of his head.

“That did not occur to me” He says

I laugh and continue to hug him


hope you guys enjoyed! I got this idea from Facebook and thought it would be funny. Next week is Christmas so I will make a chapter about Christmas and then hopefully the week after I will do a part 2 on this chapter. I have a bunch of new ideas and cannot wait to show you guys!!


Happy Holidays!

 ~Come_Along_Pond (WhouffleSweetie)

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Where stories live. Discover now