High School Love Birds

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Hey all sorry for lack of updates I’ve been busy with my new Cat (Marley. Check out my SnapChat its in my profile info) and also studying. I’m doing this during my film class because I’m finished everything *cough* still got to finish assignments and wanted an excuse to write this without lyring*cough*. Where was I going with this? Oh well enjoy!

This is an AU if the Doctor (John Smith) and Clara are best friends in high school. K. bye


Doctor POV

School was a living hell. Homework, bullies, teachers but the only thing that keeps me sane is Clara. Clara and I have been best friends from day one. Daycare. She used to have a bob and I used to tease her about it. That’s how we bond these days. We tease each other without hurting each other’s feelings. But lately I’ve been falling slower and slower into a pool named love. She doesn’t know it yet but every day it kills me knowing that she will never know. Did she have feelings for me? Do I even love her? These were questions that flood my mind when I’m around. My palms would sweat, my stomach would churn and I would get extremely nervous when she’s around. The worst part of it all is that she’s starting to notice and decides the stay away from me some times. I feel horrible. It’s not my fault these things happen.

My friend Brock came and swung his arm around my neck, making me wince slightly and turning around from my locker.

“Yo buddy did you hear the proms on Friday?”

“Yeah. I’ve known for a while”

“You should bring Clara” I take a sip of water and spit it out and cough uncontrollably, giving him an ‘honestly’ face. He laughs

“No, she doesn’t see me like that” I say after closing my locker door.

“Aww come on John. You should ask her out”

“What makes you think I want to bring her?”

“The way you act around her, especially the last few years. You stutter. You never had stuttering issues until now”

“Maybe it’s stress” I say defensively

“Maybe it’s love” He says walking off grinning

I stand there thinking. Does she really think of me this way? No she couldn’t, we are just best friends, not in love. My thoughts were interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and hold my hands up ninja style about to karate evil minions. Then I quickly put my arms down, realising it’s just Clara. She bursts out in laughter.

”So what’s up with brock he’s been looking at me funny and hinting the prom”

I could feel my cheeks burning up and I decide to walk away, silently regretting it. I couldn’t just turn around and have to explain why I walked off. I’ll seem more of a fool if I choose to do that. Instead I walk off, hands in my pockets.


“John, it’s okay. She’ll come around” says brock trying to give me an unsuccessful pep talk. Clara had thought I ditched her and didn’t want to be her friend anymore. It’s been at least 2 days since the last time she talked to me, let alone smile at me. She doesn’t walk past my locker anymore and she doesn’t talk to me in our science class. I feel like I’ve lost something extremely close to me. AHHH who am I kidding? I need her. I’m going to talk to her. Prom? Maybe. Depends if she would even make a decent conversation. I notice that Brock is still talking to me. I clear my throat.

“Go get her tiger” I look up at him and smile

“Yeah, yeah. You know what? Yeah, I’m gonna get the girl”

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Where stories live. Discover now