Christmas Sweetheart

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Okay so before I start I just wanna say that this part/chapter is based off the song ‘Santa Tell Me’ by Ariana Grande. So this chapter is basically inspired by it J



Doctor POV

I was walking around the TARDIS console cleaning all the buttons and levers as I do when I am bored. Life in the TARDIS was boring without Clara here to brighten my day. As I was wiping the TARDIS screen the phone started to ring. I stepped out of the TARDIS and walked back inside closing the door behind me.


“Doctor! Hi! Emergency, you’re my boyfriend” It took a while to sink in. Me? Clara’s boyfriend? No stupid I thought to myself She made up another lie and she needs a fake boyfriend.

“Ding dong! Okay, I may be a bit rusty with the whole boyfriend thing I may have to glance at a manual”

“No Doctor, not my real boyfriend, I made up a lie and said that my boyfriend will be coming to Christmas dinner”

“Oh well this is a rollercoaster this phone call. I’ll be there in a few”

I sighed and typed in the date and time. I landed the TARDIS and walked up to Clara’s apartment door. After a few rounds of knocking the door finally swung open. Only to see Clara’s face. She quickly took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

“Okay so you just need to act like my boyfriend just for today”

“Sure. May I ask why me?”

Suddenly our conversation was interrupted by Clara’s dad, Dave.

“C’mon you lovebirds it’s time to eat”


After a long day of awkward conversations and questions ranging from ‘How long have you two been together?’ to ‘Are you going to be having kids soon?”. It was 9 o’clock at night after Clara and I cleared up the dishes and fare welled her family. We both sighed and fell on the couch. It had been a hectic day but at least now I get to spend some quality time with Clara without family asking a million questions every minute.

“Sorry for my family. They’ve been teasing me about not being in a relationship and I guess wanted to interrogate my ‘boyfriend’”

“It’s alright” I say smiling and kissing her forehead as she yawns

“I’m pooped. Time to go to bed.”

“Okay well I guess I’ll leave you then. See you next week” I say smiling

“Yes?” I spun around almost tripping on my own two feet. Clara giggles.

“Would you like to stay the night? After all it is Christmas. You can’t be alone on Christmas”

“O-O-Okay sure” I say with a nervous grin on my face.

Not much happened. Clara led me up to her room and I took my tweed jacket off and put it on the ground. As soon as we got to bed we were basically knocked out. I lay there with hands behind my head with Clara’s head resting on my chest. I lay there as my eyes started fluttering and soon to sleep.

Clara’s POV

I invited the Doctor to stay the night because I felt like I couldn’t just be alone with him for one second during the presence of my family who were asking silly questions like ‘Are you two going to have kids one day?’ Pfftt. We lay there in bed asleep. I lay there with my head on the Doctor’s chest listening to his two hearts beating. It was quite soothing; I enjoy sleeping while listening to his hearts.

New years eve

I had called the Doctor to be my boyfriend again. But he didn’t seem to mind and played along with it. This time we weren’t with my family but I was with a few friends in a small bar down the road. They had heard that I had a boyfriend and really wanted to see him. He parked his TARDIS at the front of my apartment and I drove him to the bar. We had a few drinks except for the Doctor, who substituted his wine with some water after tasting it and backwashing it back into the glass with the look of disgust on his face. I laughed and he kissed my forehead. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5. The countdown to 2015 started and the whole bar was shouting with drunken men and women. 4, 3, 2 ,1 HAPPY NEW YEAR! Shouted the radio near us. We all cheered and hugged each other. The Doctor grabbed me by the waist and hugged me tight. I enjoyed his presence. After saying bye to everybody and sobering up a tiny bit, I drove the Doctor and I back home.

“Thank you again Doctor for being my pretend boyfriend again. I will definitely need to pay you back somehow”

“Nah it’s alright. Hey um do you mind if I stay the night again? The TARDIS is a bit grumpy with me at the moment. I forgot to clean her console yesterday and she’s a bit huffy”

“Sure, you know the way” I say smiling and slightly giggling

The Next Day

I woke up with a splitting headache. My eyes adjusted to the sudden light and I roll over and realize that the Doctor was gone. I sat up in my bed and looked out the window to see his TARDIS gone. I sigh and begin my day. I should probably think of new years resolutions I say sighing to myself

The Next week (Wednesday)

That’s when I heard the familiar sound of the TARDIS. I run to the window in my bedroom and run to the TARDIS being greeted by the Doctor.

“What’s wrong? How long have I been gone for now?” he says disappointed in my lack of enthusiasm

“Where did you go?”

“Well, I went to Coyama and helped a very rude little girl find her lost mother and then I went to Eflion and saved them from a Cyberman invasion and then-“

“I mean on New Years day? I woke up and you were gone.” After a few minutes of silence I spoke up again

“You know what? Getting you to be my fake boyfriend was kind of fun. Another way of putting it is that I was seeing if you would make a good real boyfriend or not. Because I love you and I thought you felt the same way.” I wipe a tear from my eye quickly before the Doctor notices and freaks out

“I do Clara, I do but I didn’t know what to do. I wasn’t thinking straight”

“I forgive you” I walk up to him to give him a hug but was rejected. I was slightly hurt but then the space in between us disappeared. Our lips collided together. We stopped to get oxygen.

“I love you” Said the Doctor hugging me tight

“Happy new years Clara”

Thank you so much for reading. If you are a bit confused just check out the song ‘Santa tell me’ by Ariana Grande. Wattpad is being stupid and won't let me post the video. I don’t even know if this is what the song is about but it is my view on it. Hope you guys enjoyed!


Merry Christmas!! (3 more days!!)

~WhouffleSweetie <3

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