The Broken River

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Clara POV

I sat alone in my apartment, flicking through the various televison channels and various different types of shows. I never really liked watching televison much. Everything bored be. Luckily as if on queue my phone rings, in high hopes of it being the Doctor, I was left disappointed. But instead the Caller I.D read, Danny Pink.

"Danny. Hello" I say quickly, awkwardly if I may add. "Clara, hi. Umm you aren't busy are you?" "No, just hanging around the apartment today. Why?" There was silence for a bit before I hear him clear his throat and take a deep breath. "Do you want to do something tonight maybe? You know, go to dinner or something?" I could sense his nervousness and I smile but before I could answer I hear the sound of the TARDIS. I smile to myself and remember that I was in the middle of a conversation. "Um actually Tonight isn't good but how about tomorrow night?" I offer. "Sure, uh 7." "Yep" I say trying to get out of the conversation as fast as I could. "I'll see you tomorrow. Later" I say before swiftly hanging up and going into the front where the TARDIS was situated. I opened the door and I couldn't see the Doctor. I close the door behind me and start walking around, looking for him. "Doctor?" I say, hoping he'll pop out somewhere with a smile on his face and his hair all over the place from something blowing up in his face. I laugh quietly at the remarks.

I walk down the stairs which led to the underbelly of the TARDIS and sure enough, there he was sitting there fiddling with controls and things sparking. He didn't acknowledge my presence. "Doctor" i say quietly. he looks up at me, sadness in his eyes. "How did you get here?" he asks, confusion very clear in his voice as he sits down on the ground "Um well by the sounds of it, the TARDIS teleported here" I cross my arms across my chest loosely, i sit down on the ground next to him. This was a side that I never saw in him. There was a glint of something in his eyes and I knew it all too well. Sadness, hopelessness. "Maybe she came to get me because something is wrong?" I say, just putting ideas out there, prompting for a conversation. He smiles slightly and pats the ground and the TARDIS humming quietly in acknowledgement. "Doctor? What's wrong? You know you can tell me you know right?" I say putting a hand on his shoulder. "Just an off day" he says quietly, looking at me. "You? Off day? Out of the past what 2 years, I've never seen you have an off day. The closest thing to an off day was well, you seem to cover it up and go on. You've never shown much emotion other than sheer happiness in my presence before. So I clearly know something is up" He smiles and sighs. "You know River?" He says quietly. i nod my head. "Well something happened and she apparently doesn't really exist anymore. I've tried for ages, well in my time. In your time, it would have been an hour or two. I went to different galaxies and different centuries but there was no hope. Apparently something didn't go to plan and she...Well I don't know" He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes. A technique which often helped to stop yourself from crying. I hug him. "And how did you receive the news?" i ask. He doesn't reply. And i understand. I admire him for trying to stay strong and hold onto the last piece of strength he had.

"I'm glad I have you Clara" He says staring at a wall which happened to become the most interesting thing in the world. "And why is that?" I ask. Rubbing my thumb on the top of his hand, calming him down a bit, so at least he could get sentences out without falling to pieces. "Because you always know what to say in times of need and you're always there when I need you. Somehow, you can juggle a full time teaching job, social life like dates and stuff. And still make time to see silly old me" He says sweetly. By this time i think River was in the past. But as far as i know of. They were unbelievably close and she will always be remembered by everyone, especially the Doctor. "You know why?" I ask, the Doctor stays silent. "Because this is like a refuge. A refuge from reality and I can go wherever and whenever in time and space and be back before tea. But mainly because I care for you. And I will always no matter what, make time to see you. Doesn't matter what time of day or night, or when it is. I will always be here for you and I will always be there to comfort you in times of need and I will always be here if you need to talk" I look up at him who is smiling and he hugs be closer.

And thats where we sat for the next following hours, just enjoying each others company. It was a nice, quiet, comfortable silence. Unlike the awkward silences where you feel like you are going to drown in the tenseness in the room. But no this was different.


Stay beautiful!. Peace. Love. Happiness. Have a fantastic day!

~WhouffleSweetie (Emily)

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin