Someone Like You

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This chapter is inspired by the lovely song, Someone like You by the Summer Set (I've attached it for your convenience)


-Doctor POV-

I park the TARDIS and wait for the door to swing open. I started mouthing the numbers up to 10 and as soon as I hit 1, the door swings open. Clara had a nice light blue and white dress on, some black converse and her hair was all over the place. Obviously showing that she was in a rush.

"In a rush were we?" I say cheekily, smiling widely, about to laugh

"Shut up!" She says, smiling back at me

Clara walked towards a mirror that I kept handy, for the little emergencies. I noticed something. Clara still had a price tag hanging out the back of her dress. I smile

"What is it this time?" She says still grooming her hair, sounding frustrated. I didn't say anything but point to her back.

"Ugh! Stupid price tag!" she says ripping it off. She hugs me and sighs

"Am I good now?" She asks, looking up at me

"Almost" I say

"Almost?" she looks at me funny

"If we are in danger what do we do?" I ask. I love a good riddle.

"Oh I don't know. Run" She says sarcastically.

"Yes and by the look of it, you might trip over" She looks down

"Really?" She says in a high-pitched tone. She bends down and ties her shoelaces

"NOW am I good?"

"Yes" I say smugly, kissing her on the forehead jumping towards the console for a great, fun filled adventure that I'd been yearning for forever.


She was looking at my funny. Clara was sitting on a seat in the library, just across from me. I had my reading glasses on and was reading a very interesting book about the mechanics of a TARDIS. I look up from my book and notice the strange look she was giving me on her face.

"Problem?" I ask, returning to my book, before licking my finger and flipping the page

"Can we play a game?" She asks. I close the book instantly giving her a smile.

"I'll take that as a yes. Alright. Truth or Dare?" She says crossing her legs, looking at me excitedly

"Uh I guess truth" I say unsure of the consequences here. Hopefully not getting a mushy question like teenagers at a sleep over asking who liked who. Never fancied that. But that was a risk I was going to take. For Clara.

"How do you feel about me?" Similar question to the question that I was dreading. But I'm completely thrown off guard. She laughs, obviously noticing the unsure look on my face. I clear my throat.

"Clara Oswald. You are amazing. In my opinion, you are the most wonderful and marvellous companion I've ever had. All 11 regenerations of me. Because the little things that you do, don't mean much to me. Because to be completely honest, I'd travel anywhere to find you, light-years even. You are unpredictable and impossible. Exactly what I like in a woman. Because you are completely unique. And you are completely fine by that" I blurt out, giving her a smile at the end. I almost burst out laughing at her face. It was priceless. Now it was her turn to be thrown off guard. I laugh.

"Very well then-" She clears her throat and walks out the room, thinking hard. I could tell by the look on her face. I laugh and return to my book. But I put it down because my mind was locked on Clara. I stood up to try and find her. Possibly see how she feels about me.


Hey guys! I'm back and I couldn't be anymore happier. Some of the reason that I'm coming off my hiatus early (I was expecting till school started again. (In another 2 weeks) Is because I'm releasing a new book/story. This story isn't a fan fiction. But is completely almost made up by me. It's not a happy fluffy book like this one or any of my other books, but is a bit more depressing and is handling issues like depression etc. Go check it out please. Also, thanks for 10K reads. I forgot about Wattpad for a while (because I didn't have to update) and I felt like checking on how my stories were going. 10K in less than 6 months. To me that's FANTASTIC! So thanks guys! Anyways COMMENT BELOW IDEAS!

Peace, Love, Happiness, and have a fantastic day!

<3 WhouffleSweetie

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