Past Regeneration

594 22 1

Yay! New update! Woo! I'm bored on the bus sooo yeah let's go!
Clara POV
I sat down in the TARDIS on one of the seats that the TARDIS was nice enough to add. I watched the Doctor run around the console pushing buttons and flicking levers. He seemed to be more energetic today, which was good I guess. I felt something that I never really felt with anyone else. I've told Angie back at home (much to my embarrassment) and she said it sounded like love. Of course me being me, I pushed her away and didn't believe a word she said. The Doctor said that was one of my traits that he's admired. My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden toss of the TARDIS. I snap out of my daze and find myself on the ground. I look around to the Doctor who looked confused and amused. I stand up and brush my skirt and then the TARDIS tossed again, this time sending me and the Doctor to the ground, him falling on top of me. A bright red blush appeared on his face as well as my own. I cleared my throat which broke our gaze. He stood up and brushed himself while walking over to the doors of the TARDIS. I follow behind just as curious. The door creaked open and the Doctor took a step and gestures for me to stay.
"Why?" I say slightly unhappy
"Just to see if it's safe" he says not looking back at me. I sigh in defeat and stay leaning on the TARDIS doorframe.
Doctor POV
I couldn't help but feel protective of Clara. She didn't know but she's my whole world, if she was to die again, I don't know what I would do with myself. I couldn't bear to lose her again. After some arguments, she finally agreed to stay behind in the TARDIS. It wasn't normal for the TARDIS to have a turn like this, not saying it's impossible. At least now it can't be.

I walk forward, from the looks of things it was an alley.
'Why would she land in an alleyway?' I think to myself.
I walk towards the end of the alleyway and was faced by a large city, bustling with busy people. It was night time so there were couples walking around and people in fancy clothing. By the looks of things this wasn't that far away in the past nor the future. I gesture for Clara to come to me as it was safe enough.

Suddenly a noise of a Dalek screaming was heard in the distance, making my head snap around looking for it.
Clara looks just as horrified as me. Wouldn't blame her she felt some kind of connection to them and feared them. Suddenly a blonde woman runs past along with a flash of brown with a blue light shining. I looked at Clara and she looked just as more curious and confused as I was. Then the two mysterious people ran into the alleyway. I pushed Clara and myself against the wall. The man stood in front of the TARDIS.
"Hang on, this isn't where I parked it" he scratched his head and I accidentally let out a sneeze, quickly covering my face. I looked over to Clara who was glaring at me. The man in front of the TARDIS looked right in our direction and started walking towards us. I step forward into the light and quickly realise who this man was. Clara was hanging onto my arm as I stepped forward. It was my past regeneration, the face I was before the one I have now.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Says past regeneration
"You-yo-y. How?!"
"How what?! Tell me now" he said more seriously
"You're me! I'm from your future" I say happily
"You are me? Are you serious" he looks at me up and down, his face getting more and more disgusted as each minute passed
"Yeah" Clara said quickly covering her mouth
"You, I know you. Where from?" Said the man to Clara
"Yeaaahh, about that! Spoilers" i looked at her as she chuckled
"Which regeneration are you?" He says directly at me
"I'm ten" he stands up proudly.
Then the blonde woman walked next to 10c.
"Who are these people?" She says seriously
"Uh Rose, this is me...from the future and this is his...uh"
"assistant" I say
Clara POV
Assistant. Right all I was to him. I had to get over the fact that I will never be with him. He would regenerate and I'd be left to die. I manage to hide my sigh and I smile in response.
"So you are him?" Says Rose pointing to 11
"Yup" he said popping the 'p'
"Listen our TARDIS crashed, I don't know why or how but I was wondering if you would be able to help me?" Said 11 rubbing the back of his neck.
"Oh no no it'll be too dangerous"
"Right yeah. Well, best be off"
The Doctor and I said our goodbyes and walked back into the TARDIS. The Doctor was in the underbelly of the console, with the occasional spark and flash coming from him. He had industrial goggle on and was very concentrated on what he was doing. I didn't want to disturb him so I quietly made my way down the stairs. He looked right at me and smiled.
"Soo? How did this happen? How did you meet your past self?"
"I don't know, it should never have happened. I know you cam visit your own grave, and we both know that. But to meet your past/future self. I don't know"
"Do you think she had anything to do with it" I said gesturing to the console
"Nah don't think so" I sigh as I sit down
"Can we sort of play a game?"
"Okay, what game"
"Truth or dare?" I say sitting on the steps. He stops what he is doing and turns himself to me and nods his head in response.
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth" I take a deep breath, you could ask so many questions like
'Who do you like, how old are you?, what's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done. No. I had a better question in mind and I was sort of hoping he'd be honest.

"What am I to you?" He looks up into my eyes and sighs. He looks down at his feet and back up to me.
"Clara Oswald. What you are to me is, everything. I can't bear to be apart from you. You are the only thing that keeps me sane. You are my whole world and I wouldn't change anything. When I saw you both times and you died, a bit of me inside died along with it. I can't stand having the constant thought of you dying over and over. Clara Oswald I guess this is the time to say it" he clears his throat and sighs
"I love you" I quickly wiped a tear from my eye that I have just noticed formed.

"I love you too chin" I say as I lean forward and kiss his forehead, mimicking what he does to me. I stand up and walk away.
Hey all! Hope you enjoyed! So ya I don't have anymore ideas after this so yeah I'd LOVE it if you could comment/ message me some more ideas. The best part is that the chapter would be dedicated to you!
Thanks sooo much for 200 votes. I appreciate every single one of them. Also I have a new story out called "the day I met the doctor" it's similar to the great discovery I made a few years back but with a splash of Whouffle added as well.(of course)
anyways got to go to sleep!'I have to get immunisations (needles) at school tomorrow morning so I have to wake up early.
Have a safe and Fantastic day!

~whoufflesweetie <3

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