Wait....I have a what (part 3)

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A/N thanks for all the reads and votes I didn't think this book would get very far. Thank you for making my day awesome :) In this part this is when the doctor and Clara tell Clara's dad (dave I think) that they are both siblings. This is the last part of wait...I have a what so yeah. Enjoy! Oh and I'm using my iPad so there may be some autocorrect issues if there are just let me know and I'll fix them :D

Clara's POV

I woke up in my bed in the TARDIS and groan. I have been dreading today. Why you may ask? Well a few weeks ago the Doctor and I found out that we were siblings. So now we have to tell my Dad. The problem is that he doesn't mess around, to me he's a bit serious and having to tell him about this situation, I don't know if he will cope very well. My thoughts were cut off by a series of knocking on my bedroom door.
"Come in" I manage to say gathering up my thoughts.
"Where to today Clara?" I sigh
"You forgot didn't you?" His happy face turned upside down and turned into a face of concentration
"W-what's on today that I may have forgotten?" I sigh once more and get up from my bed
"Don't you remember? We have to go tell my Dad about us being siblings" the Doctor scratched the back of his head
"About that"
"What did you do?"
"Nothing, it's just do I have to go? I'm pretty sure your Dad doesn't like me and with this news he's going to hate me even more"
"Well, you have me"
"I guess. I'll put the coordinates in the console and we should be there soon" he says with a groan

I make my bed and didn't bother showering. I put on a yellow dress with blue belt. Along with black stockings and white flats. I make my way to the console room to see the doctor at the door waiting for me.
"Let's get this over and done with shall we?" He says. I give him a big hug for reassurance

I walked over to the front door of his apartment and knock three times. The door swung open to see my Dad with a smile on his face.
"Clara! I haven't seen you in ages come in!"
"Actually dad first, this is John. We have something to tell you"

Doctors POV

The way he stared at me when Clara introduced me to him once more. Yeah we've met he doesn't like me very much. I shake his extended hand and we all go into his living room and sit on the couch.
"I've been wondering when you'd be telling me" he says sighing pouring us some tea
"You mean you know what we're going to tell you?" Clara asks confused
"Yep" I stand up
"Well since he already knows why don't we go and do something Clara?"
"Sit, shut up and listen" says Clara glaring at me.
"Dad a few weeks ago we both found out some...I guess you could say good news. The Doc- I mean John did a DNA test and we both found out that we were brother and sister"
"I knew it!" Shouted Dave
"So, your not upset?" I ask carefully
"Oh I am but not at you two. There's been a secret that I've known about for years and years. But I guess now I probably should reveal it. I know your name isn't John, it's the Doctor."
"Pfftt me that's a weird name why would you think that" I say with a nervous grin in my face and eyes glaring at Clara
"Stop lying to me. Secondly it's true he is your brother."
"How do you know?" clara asks
"Before I met your mother she had gone off travelling with a man. I don't know his name. They of course fell in love and soon she fell pregnant with his kid. She ended up having the kid way before I met her. She had a different face though."
"Wait...so your telling me that she was a time lord?" I ask
"If that's what you call them these days"
Then she turned human so she could be with me and have a normal child. We named her Clara" dave smiled at a tomato red Clara
"You mean your wife, your Mum was with my Dad at one stage?"
"Yes Doctor" said Clara
"Why didn't you tell me?" Clara asks eyes like glass
"Because you wouldn't have believed me"
Clara stands up and hugs Dave tightly.
"Why do you hate me then?" I ask covering my mouth. I didn't mean to say that I think to myself
"Because you remind me a lot of her. A life that she had before she met me" fave walks over to me eyes like glass gesturing me for a hug
"So do you still hate me sir"
"Not as much anymore. Oh and call me Dad"
"O-okay d-dad" I could hear Clara laughing quietly
"Won't you stay for dinner. I'd love to hear what you two are up to these days" says Dave
"Sure" said Clara and I in unison
Thanks for watching
Hopefully the YouTube video works. It won't play on my IPad but it may on whatever device your using (laptop/phone/tablet etc.) I like it I thought I would add it even though it has nothing to do with this story.
Have a fantastic day!


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