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Clara POV

I toss and turn, unable to find a comfortable position. I was afraid to sleep, afraid to close my eyes even. Nightmares were coming more and more frequent. They became more frequent since I agreed to date the Doctor.


I wake up, at least I think I do. I get out of bed and I hear the Doctor calling my name.

"Clara! Clara!"

I follow the voice and find the Doctor in the console room.

"Doctor?" I say quietly

"Pfft what do you want?!" he says in a huff

"You were calling for me" I say as-a-matter-of-factly

"Why would I call for YOU?" he says glaring at me. I step back, not expecting that to be said

"What do you mean?! You call for me!"

"No I didn't! I don't even know why you are here! Why would I bloody call for you!?" he says stepping closer to me

"Bring me home!" I say loudly

"Fine! I don't even know why I invited you anyway! You're stupid. No common sense"

"Why would you date me then?!" I say tears threatening to fall

"Me date YOU? Ha! Keep dreaming sugar"

"Did you just call me sugar?" I say madly

"Yes I did! You don't like it, leave and jump into the vortex or something" I couldn't take this. I run away but I'm not going anywhere. A classic nightmare scheme.


I sit up instantly. Breathing heavily. Tears streaming down my face.

Doctor POV

I hear Clara's screams.

"Nightmares" I say to myself. Calming myself down. I often had nightmares that Clara was often screaming not out of fright but harm and pain. I rush down the hall to Clara. I put my ear on the door, listening.

"Doctor I need you" she says under her breath in between sobs, she sounds frightened, hurt and most of all upset.

I take that as my queue to walk in. I open her door just a crack and poke my head in.

"Clara?" I say quietly. I hear her sniff and look up at me. She pats the space next to her, moving over herself. I lay there next to her and run my hand through her hair. It was always something I did when she was frightened.

"Would you care to share with me?" I say quietly

"Just a silly dream" she says looking up at me

"Come on we're dating now, I don't care if it was stupid or silly. I'm here for you no matter what" she smiles

"Just a nightmare of some sort of you just bad mouthing about me just saying things like you never cared for me and that I was worthless. It shouldn't get to me, but it did. Because it was coming from you, the man who was always there for me" I feel her tense up a bit and I hug her tight, her head laying on my chest. She relaxed a bit more.

"Clara Oswald. You are not worthless, I will always in a billion light-years care for you. You are the impossible girl. MY impossible girl and nobody can take that away from me.

"Really?" She says

"Really" I kiss her forehead and I hear her sigh in content, hugging me tightly and pulling me closer.

Well I better get comfortable because I'm not going to move anytime soon

I smile and wrap my hands around her defensively and closed my eyes, beckoning sleep.


Ummmm Hi! *Waves*

Sorry for the NO updates. I've been uh....Well I'm always making excuses but I swear this time I had a legit excuse.

1.       I've been writing my scary story for English (of course Doctor Who themed xD)

2.       And, I've been trying to get stuff for mother's day (which is tomorrow may 10th)

3.       ANNNNDDDD...I've been thinking of a Title for my new sequel of Souffle Love Story.

In conclusion I didn't really have the motivation to write anything 'decent'. So I deeply apologise if this idea has been used in this book a thousand times. But hey. It's something.. OH OH OH! Thanks SOOO MUCH for 8K reads. OMGosh it's AMAZING! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH!

Have a brilliant and fantastic day!


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