Forgotten Memories

378 22 3

Daily Update #3
I'm so sorry I missed a day (yesterday) I was at work all day and I was out all night with a friend. I realllyyyy need ideas so comment below and the chapter would be dedicated to you!
Doctor POV
Guilt had taken me over. Clara wasn't with me anymore. She wasn't dead or anything. A week ago or something like that she got kidnapped by the Master. A so called friend of mine. He kidnapped her and threatened that if I stepped anywhere near Clara she would lose her memory. I gave up and stayed where I was. The Master smiled and called me an idiot and erased her memory anyway. She was knocked unconcious for a while and in that time I took the liberty of dropping her back home writing a note saying that she was at a friends house and fell asleep and that the friend (being me) took her back home to her apartment. I signed it at the end with 'Doctor'. Hopefully that should be enough to kickstart her brain. I felt guilty because I was the one who bought her to the planet and that's where she was kept captive. If I didn't bring her there she would still remember who I was and what I was to her. I had to get her back

I land the TARDIS in front of Clara's apartment. I ran to her door, knocking on it rapidly and pressing the doorbell rapidly as a mix. Suddenly the door flung open. I fell forward a bit from impact.

"Hello?" She says annoyed

"Clara? it's me! The Doctor? Remember me?" I say somewhat excitedly

"Uhh no? And how do you know my name?"

"You seriously don't know who i am?" i say disappointed, I think it's going to take a bit more than a note with my name and my appearence to make her remember me. I sigh.

"No, should I?" She says confused

"Not really" She looks at me with a confused look again

"Okay well I'm going to close the door now so you go away, Got it" she seems creeped out. She starts to close the door and I put my foot in the doorway preventing it from closing.

"Can I show you something?" i ask gesturing to the TARDIS

"What a police box?"

"Y-Yeah" I say holding out my hand for hers to take

"I don't know why but something is saying I should go. This is a bit like deja vu" I wriggle my fingers and she takes my hand. I pull her towards the TARDIS almost pulling her arm off. I take her into the TARDIS and it lights up.

"Hey, hey be careful with my-" She stops as the realisation hits her about the sudden change of sceneary. She looks around with awe just like the first time she did.

"Go on say it, everybody does" I say as she seems to be trying to say something

"Smaller on the outside" she says smiling

"Why?" I say to myself.

"Who are you?" She asks

"I'm the Doctor"

"You, you're the guy who wrote that note aren't you. I've kept it since trying to find out who this 'Doctor' guy is. Two years I've been trying to find him and finally he seems to of shown up" she says smiling. Pulling it out of her pocket.

"Clara it's me, do you remember?" She scrunches her face up

"No, i'm sorry" She says. I sit down on a chair and she sits next to me and looks at me worried and apologeticly.

"The Master will pay" I say, this was unlike me but this is what happens when you fall in love with somebody who won't ever remember you.

"Wait, did you say the Master?" She says. I look up at her and her face was filled with shock.

"Y-Yeah, why?" I say clearing my throat.

"he's the one who did this? I remember him and y-you. I remember you" she starts to smile, letting a tear roll down her cheek. I cupped my hands on her cheeks wiping the tear away.

"What else do you remember?" I say voice full of hope

"Doctor" She hugs me tight making me wince. i laugh. and I kiss her forehead.

"I've missed you" I say over and over again

"For the past 2 years I've been trying to remember what I 'forgot'. there's been like an empty hole that i couldn't quite figure out. I've missed you so much" She hugs me tightly again, this time a little tighter.


Heyo! Hope you enjoyed! yeah i may have missed a day and I almost did today. I admit i haven't been the best lately. I've been having a bit of emotional issues lately. But I'm sure I'm okay it's probably some sort of woman teenage thingy. Anyways PLEASE COMMENT BELOW some more ideas. It was hard enough trying to come up with this one. I couldn't find any ideas on (I checked this morning). I'm not sure if I'm continuing with daily updates. I'll try it's just I just remembered I have an assignment due first/second week of school and I have one more week of holidays to complete it. So uh yeah I'll let you guys know. Anyways....again. Comment below some ideas and the chapter will be dedicated to you! Oh and also..... THANKS SO MUCH FOR 5k READS AND 300+ VOTES!!!!!

Have a fantastic day!

~WhouffleSweetie ()O()

Whouffle One Shots (Clara + Doctor)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя